Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday's Things........

I repotted some of my tomato starts yesterday into bigger containers.  I tried to get them down deep in the peat pots so that could develop roots on those stems.  I took this shot to show the multiple leaves that I have beyond the two leafed stage.  I have to finish potting the others in larger pots also.  Maybe Saturday I can get that done.

Tulips and a tennis ball emerge from the leaves.  The ball probably is a torn up one as Barney likes to take them apart.  Things really aren't up that well bulb wise but a few more days of warming we will see other things coming up to the light.

One of my recent projects was to frame these cross stitched faces.  The friend that does these has her son run the photo through a program, which then gives her a pattern in which she can follow to sew in the stitches.  She has done these for every niece and nephew and said that she believed these two will be her very last ones.   I think she is glad she is done with doing the last ones. Each one she has done is created by the photo of the person at just the same age.

I was switched in assignments today as I arrived at school.  I became a history teacher to the lower grades in high school.  It has been a good day so far.  We had to assist our neighbor last night as she felt she was in breathing trouble and needed to go to the hospital.  She had called the ambulance and wanted her dog to be contained and help to get people into her house.  She really didn't behave herself when she return from the hospital a few weeks ago.  One of the ambulance person of the local rescue had to go bang on the door of her son to tell him she was on her way to Des Moines.  They shut their phones off in the night.  I am dog sitting part time while she is back in the hospital.  A new neighbor is going to help out so that will be an easier job.

It is going to be another nice day today.  The sun is out and the 70's will be our average. I will take them with pleasure. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. As someone who used to cross stitch, these are marvelous works of HEART! I hope they are appreciated by the nieces etc. and don't end up in a thrift store for a few bucks! You did a nice job with the mat/frame.
    So sorry about the neighbor lady. Bless you for helping her and I am thankful you are getting help from a new neighbor. What a shame about her children being so uninterested.
    Best wishes with the tomato plants and yeah! for the warm up!

  2. I'm going to look and see if the tulips are up yet here tomorrow.
