Friday, April 11, 2014

Green Stems..........

That is a good sign when green stems of the rose show up in spring.  I am hoping that the other roses do that too.  With 40 inches of frost I will be grateful to see any green on any of the roses.  Right now this is the only green I have. 

Saturday's plan includes getting these into the ground.  I will be disappointed if I start digging and I can get down very far.

The other thing to do in my plan is to plant the bleeding heart roots.  I have to dig through my blogs to see what I bought so I can remember to get them in the grown.  I did pick up some new zinnia seed to plant but I think I must have put them back onto the rack as I don't see them in my blogs.  I do have the sunflower seeds laying out on the counter so I will get them into the ground in a few more weeks.  We get frost up to the middle of May so I wouldn't want to plant them and have them turn black on me and have to replant.

The robins are so busy getting their nest built.  This one spent some time out there and then took a bird bath.  I also have a shot of it in action on my other site flying away from some commotion.  I found that the water pan is a favorite for them as it is an easy way to get a drink from the table.  I don't know if the robin is fat or if it is just fluffy.  

Our naming of the robin was a mistake as all our European friends keep telling us we are confused.  They are right as our robin by our name is really a Thrush.  Our early settlers are the one's who misnamed them and the name has stuck still today.   People in the know will say that it is a Robin from the Thrush family.

I am an English teacher today with most classes dealing with short stories.  They are reading them and writing about them.  The person of whom I am subbing tells me that no computers should be up and running during the whole class.  I asked them the students and most said this class is the only time they ever read in their real life.  They would love to be reading their short stories on their computer, but they would also love to switch over to a game in the middle of it.

No big plans for the weekend.  Maybe I can find things to do that will make it special but there are no big plans.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Green is the color we want to see.
    We look out the back hay field and it is so green.
