Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday's View.......

My window that I look out of to see the progression of the seasons shows a view of strong sun from the west.  The shadow of the old house is prominent.  The yards are greening and the birch is putting out their green tassels. The weigela in the foreground will soon block the view to the ground as it will leaf out and bloom in a few weeks.

 A blurry shot of wild violets was taken yesterday while I was looking for another fernleaf peony.  I had just been thinking that I hadn't seen any wild violets up but there they were under the leaves next to the peony.

It too is blurry but I discovered that the peony that is covered with leaves develops faster as you can see the buds on them.They must have been warmer under the leaves so it budded while the ones in the open have no buds yet.

I don't know why the shots I took in the afternoon were mostly blurry but I guess the strong sunlight messes with the automatic settings. I should have stood with my back to the sun and shaded the plants that were being photographed.

The regular peony bushes are just now peaking through the leaves.  I normally take the leaves off of them in the fall but didn't get it done.  I think I will gently remove them today as it will help them mature.  We have had ice storms before during this transition time of the season and we have even had snow on May 1st, but I think I can do it today anyway.  I feel they are pretty tough in cold weather. 

It is Wednesday and I didn't have work today.  I have a lot of small things to do today and avoiding the afternoon rain will be one of them.  I need to do some caulking on the north side of my house as the dry summers have dried out a couple of areas between the roof and the side of the house.  It doesn't normally leak in except when we have strong north winds.  The last rain did cause some drips and I had to move my computer out of the dripping area. I can stop the problem before the next spring rain for sure. The little guy above was given to my wife from one of her sweet little Sunday school girls for Easter. He is purple and he seems to be celebrating all of the time. I hope you all have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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