Sunday, May 18, 2014


I was shocked and surprised to have these four advancing birds poking their heads out at me on Saturday afternoon.  I knew they did this but I didn't realize how quick that they shot those open mouths up at the world.

We didn't have plants die from our cold nights but most of the tulips had their stems damaged and most of them were drooping.  About half way down each stem is a shriveled area as if the cold weakened the fibers in the stems.

As you can see here I brought a lot of them into the house to keep  them alive.  The cool weather has kept them blooming longer but that one 33 degree F. night sure made the stems give way.  I will save the photo of the bouquet to share on my Photo a Day blog in a few days.

Things are showing promised blooms on a lot of my plants.  The fernleaf peony here will be opened soon.  Each of my peony's like this are all at a different stage of development.  This one sits directly in the sun while the others are in shady locations. 

I am getting anxious for the iris to start blooming but they do have a short season.  I have some dwarf iris that will be blooming soon before this one. 

It is Sunday and I am back to work tomorrow.  It should be an easy going day today.  We will be warming up to 70 degrees F. this afternoon. Eating out at Panera and coming home from Des Moines to have a quiet afternoon.   I hope all are doing well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Look at those hungry birds!! What fun to watch! I hope you have a lovely Sunday! :)

  2. What is going on with your tulip stems was the same as my iris stems.
