Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Morning.......

It was cold yesterday and they were hunkering down to stay warm. I can count only two beaks but I think they are all four still there.  I was getting a thorough scolding from one of the adults as it sat in a tree near me.  I had to have a coat on in the afternoon while in the sunshine.

The lily of the valley is soon to be fully filled out in little white bells.  I don't think they like the cold as they seem to be at a standstill.  I think they would like the soil to be a lot warmer for them to completely bloom.

I have violets everywhere.  The grass isn't much competition right now but once they finish blooming they will get sheared off with the mower and the grass will take its place. The rains have caused them to have a lot of foliage this year. My orchard area really is full of wild violets and it is great to see.

 The red bark dogwood is now in bloom.  There will be little red berries on the shrub once the blooms are gone.

The pin oak is the last to loose its leaves in the spring and once they fall off the new leaves sprout out in their place.  I think the tree was slow this year as I was certain that it looked dead earlier and then a couple of days ago while I was doing my second mowing of the yard, they show up on one branch. It is still alive.  While on the subject of alive trees, my ash tree also is still alive as the leaves are just now pushing out from the branches.  It is also late. 

The fern leaf peony is starting to open.  The larger bud was not the first to open.  I will see tonight after school if this one is more fully opened.

Here is the close up view of the one above shown at a distance. The plants themselves, four of them that I have,  seem to be doing well.  I put a fifth one at the back of the house and it is having a hard time establishing itself.  It has been there a couple of years and only a couple of stems have developed and no buds again this year.  I bet someone will be moving it when it gets to be warmer outside.

I have been moving the geraniums outside.  They are going to get trimmed back when it gets warmer and I will try to root so more. This pink one while inside the house put out a wimpy stem towards the window and it is top heavy as the stem isn't strong.  I can fix that but for now I just leaned the bloom against a drain spout.

I am in the Business room again today and the guy is taking his golf girls to a tournament today.  School is slowing down now as the seniors are gone but there is still time for them to learn more.  It will probably be at a slower pace.   I hope all is well with everyone.  Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog.  If your not  reading, thanks for looking at my pictures.


  1. Your fern leaf peony seems to have wider, less dissected leaves than ours, which hasn't bloomed yet. I'll post a picture when it does though, and we can compare them.

  2. Looking good in your yard! I think everything is late this year:(

  3. Everything is looking good I would like the two tone Iris have never seen one.
