Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sunshine on Saturday......

I was out taking photos after school. When the robin flew away from the nest it reminded me I should try to take some photos.

While I am out in the orchard area the new neighbor dog was checking out the situation. It looks like a mix with white lab in it.  It isn't going to be as big as a lab but it could be young and still growing.

I have lots of things poking through the soil now.  This Asian lily is looking strong.  It will be two to three more weeks before it starts to bloom. Some things I have to wait to see what they are as they poke through and then transform into a plant that I didn't remember its location.  I guess I  plant so willy nilly that it is hard to know where everything is.  The flag iris look strong this year and maybe I will get a lot of blooms from them this spring.  The hostas shoot up like little rolled tubes of paper and then unroll into big leaves. I haven't seen any buds on the lily of the valley but if it stays warm I will be out everyday checking on things.

I received in the mail from Far Side some red zinnia seeds yesterday.  She knows that I forgot to plant last year so she is giving me a reason to remember this year.  I may get them into the ground by the end of the week.  Our frost date here is May 15th and I can get the soil ready this week some time after school. Thanks for the red ones Far Side.

I will be venturing out today to do some mowing.  I don't know if I can get it all done in one try but I will pace myself and do the tallest parts first.  I still have a few limbs and sticks to get up off of the ground. My health in regard to my walking troubles seems a whole lot better.  I figure mowing will give me an indication as to how much better that I am. Nothing too much planned for today but I have some things to do inside also. We have a warmer week ahead of us now and that means I can get more outside work done during the week.  The soil is so soggy now from all the rains.  We are not use to having things saturated so maybe our gardens will be better this year.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Mowing and weed eating the tall grass, are on our list today.
    Have fun in the yard.

  2. Glad you got the seeds! I kept a few for me..but I won't plant til June 1st or so. Your Robins eggs are such a beautiful color. Ours are not building nest yet..I am hopeful. Just came in from sucking up leaves from the rocks that are on the east and west side of the house, they catch the rain and snow as it comes off the roof. Now off to an adventure!:)

  3. How did your growing season get so far ahead of you near northern neighbors? There is very little popping up here yet....
