Sunday, May 4, 2014


The wild violets are having a great spring with lots of rain causing them to be very lush.  I had snow kill in my lawn in various places and the wild violets seem to flourish when there isn't any competition.

The New England bluebells are doing great this year also.  We had snow last year at this time so they didn't look this good last year.  The area next to the bay window looks pretty bare but when the ferns get started the whole area will be filled with green. The bluebells will be died down by then.

The fern leaf peony is going to bloom soon.  I can see just a little red showing on the buds which means it won't be long.

The nest has been fascinating to me and my blogger friends seem to be interested in it too. I never see the mother robin on the nest. Her leaving the nest and distracting me from it is her way of protecting it. 

A larage part of my spring clean up is to pick up all the candy wrappers and plastic containers that have migrated into  the yard over the winter. My mower got jammed and shut down while mowing into a flattened  green pop container.  I had to turn the mower upside down and pull it out of the mower.  I also found this aged tennis ball in my flowerbed.  It isn't Barney's as it is outside the dog fence.

It looks like we will have a warmer day today and the rain shower has passed by already.  It should be a good spring day.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Have a great Sunday.


  1. Have a good rest today!
    I enjoy your blog.

  2. Looks like your fern leaf peony is about a week ahead of ours.

  3. Wow you are moving fast into late spring! :)
