Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The two colored leaves on the iris seem to be loving our weather.  I haven't seen any buds forming but I bet they will.  It put out buds and blooms last year of pale blue flowers.

This two toned hosta is coming through and will be large once it is all up out of the ground. The ground should really warm up with an 80 degree F.  day today.

The flag iris is looking strong this year.  I have three different plantings of this and I hope some of them do bloom.   The phlox seems to be taking over the garden as you see it here among the iris.  I had a hard time getting phlox to grow but now I have problems keeping it under control.

The globes should be out by the end of the week in full bloom.  They keep spreading everywhere and I am good with that.  They don't  crowd out anything but grow along side of things.  The plant is done about two weeks after it blooms and the hostas will move in to take over its space.

I don't have problems each spring but sometimes I get a severe reaction to fresh mowed grass or spring flower blooms on shrubs. It just doesn't happen every single year but it does happen.  I was in the post office yesterday afternoon and the large bouquet of lilacs reached out to my bronchial system.  It was a very humid day and by the time I got home I sensed I was going to have problems.  I took asprin to dry myself first.  I knew if all else fails I can take the dreaded primetine tablet and revive.  I always use that as the last ditch effort. Primetine destroys my brain but it allows me to have immediate draining.  Also my heart goes beating out of my chest.  Anyway, I survived it with a third asprin and staying down the rest of the evening.  I didn't have an attack last year so maybe this one will due me for a couple of years.  I didn't get out and take pictures of my baby birds and I didn't work in the yard so I will need to get photos tonight.   

I am a 7th and 8th grade social studies teacher today.  It has been a little trying of a day and yet most of the kids do behave well.  I will be glad when the day is done though and everyone will have reviewed and studied for their tests.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good to hear that an asprin works for you...women's perfumes clog me up instantly. Church is a particularily bad place instead of showering they put on more perfume...ACK!
    Your plants are looking great! I enjoy seeing your flowers:)

  2. Those striped iris leaves really pack a punch. Never seen those around here.

  3. Larry,mlooks like your yard is greening up nicely after a prolinged winter. Sometimes i wish I were allergic to cut grass, which could mean no cutting for me,

  4. You0 get such greet
    photos of your plants and flowers. I especially love the unfurling hosta. We have about a hundred or so hostas and the varieties seem endless . As they get older their blooms seem to be larger and more prolific too.

  5. I forgot to mention that I am glad the aspirin worked , the other choice doesn't sound like fun...
