Friday, June 20, 2014

Finally It's Friday..........

This is the "Peace" rose that bloomed yesterday. The label says what it is but I was expecting a different color.

This is another kind of bloom that is good. The tomato plant is putting out its bloom ready to set on tomatoes.

I found a new variety of hosta.  It is a little different one that what I have.  It has a white band on the outside edges of the leaves.  I will get it planted and maybe by next year I can split it and have two plants.

Here is a progress report on this set of morning glories.  As you can see two of them are ready to climb.  They are a mixed batch of seeds with different colors. I look forward to their blooming as Il ike to shoot lots of colorful photos of them.

It is Friday and I hope your are all going to have a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My (Peace) rose was a hybrid tea and was Golden with yellow buds etched in pink. Yours my be a Chicago peace rose they are red so I don't know. Different soil can change the color also. It is still a pretty rose.
    Happy gardening!

  2. The rose is a beauty...I bet you were expecting a different color. Have a good weekend, I just finished mowing..glad to have that job done for a few days:)


  3. Hello, L. D..

      Your works is embraced in your gentleness.
      And sweet message charms my heart.

      The prayer for all peace.
      I wish You all the best.

    Have a good day. from Japan, ruma ❀

  4. Always fun to see your plants. I love the morning glories. We found a wild one growing in the woods behind the vacant/for sale home next door.
