Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Late Blog.......

This Asiatic lily is very faithful to bloom each year.  I bought this at a farmer's market many years ago in Grand Marais, Minnesota.  I remember the guy who sold it to me as he bought bulbs and planted them just for the sale at the market. He could make a reasonable profit if he bought his bulbs in a late fall sale.

I was in the middle of my first cup of coffee this morning when I got a call to come in to work for a sick janitor.  He was ill and the painting project of two rooms were still there waiting for me to paint them.  I took the rest of my coffee in a thermos to enjoy later.

It is evening now and I am just now am getting today's blogs done.  I might do some schedule blogs for tomorrow as I do go back to work again.  It is the only two days this week that I worked.   We just had a large rain storm that was described as a 3 to a 4 inch rain in one hour.  We were out in it getting meds and groceries.  Our clothes were wet from being caught out in it.  The car got a good washing from the heavy rain.  There was water everywhere.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That Lily is beautiful...and the little visitor too. You are a working man again:)

  2. We have never had these blooms in our yard, but a neighbor had many different ones and they were always so beautiful as is yours, Larry. Now we have a crop of day lilies blooming.
