Monday, June 30, 2014


I purchased goldfish for my pond yesterday and they are sitting at the bottom of the bag.  I floated the bag to get their water to be the same temperature as the pond water.  When I returned they were all at the bottom of the bag trying to dive down into the bottom.

As soon as I released them from their plastic bag prison they immediately started skimming the top of the water for insect larvae and mosquito larvae. 

I get frustrated with Walmart and their fish department policy.  They don't post anyone near the department so you can't ask to buy fish.  I have been working at purchasing fish the past month and a half.  I watched people who work their go in and out of the warehouse door but they apparently don't do fish.  I know that the place doesn't make much money off of a 38 cent fish but I don't wait around if no one is willing to help me to buy fish.  I did see a young man this time about an aisle away and asked if they had anyone who cold bag some fish for me.  He said nothing, wasn't pleasant, and actied like I was bothering him.  He picked up his radio and said Amanda and nothing more was said. I said "thank you" even though he didn't deserve it for his attitude.  He was packing on the shelf wax room deodorizers and that is most important.

The reflections and the seeds from the above ash tree blend is making it hard to see the fish.  They will grow quickly in their large body of water.  I need to get some of the water drained out of there to keep the raccoons from helping themselves.

Marigolds always put out a strong color.  These plants seem a little stunned by all the water they are receiving.  I also know it takes the plants a while to adjust from being cramped in that plastic tray to being placed in a large area of dirt. The petunias on my property are really struggling with all the water. They just can't stand all the battering of rain drops.

It is tall and looks healthy and  yet there is not a single bloom to be seen. I know it is a roma tomato and it has grown well in the pot.  I didn't get fertilizer on this one or any flowers around the patio so I will work on that the next few days. I am home today and will get some outside work done before noon.  Storms will it by noon today.  I may try to get some of my mowing done but the humidity is so heavy and the heat will make it tough to do much out there. I have a lot of different projects to do today and I hope one of them can be a project that I can complete.  I have a few projects that are always never ending as the strings attached to them means they either can't be finished or I don't have all the things that I need to get it finish.

I have the yearly struggle of finding the last two or three senior photos that didn't get turned in to me.  The instructor didn't give me one of the photos and one boy had his pictures taken too late for anyone to receive them.  I will have to call his house or a teacher that he worked with to find and make a copy.  I have an administrator that can give me a better, new photograph to use or he can just have the fuzzy old one from last year.  

It is Monday and it is a start of a shortened week.  I didn't get work today and I was glad for that.  The area I work is not air condition so the days like this would make it hard for paint to dry.  I need to go get the mail at the post office and purchase gas for the mower so I can start the task.  I hope everyone has a good day and a great week.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Walmart is a difficult place to shop sometimes, I have been known to stand by the exit area in the back of the store I think their break area is back there...and request help from anyone going or coming. Finding anyone in their department is impossible.

    You tomato plant is very tall!
    I hope you have good luck today finishing a few projects:)

  2. I hope your fish do well for you. You saved them from Walmart!!!
