Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday's Things.......

It isn't a pretty sight but it is my work area next to my steps in the back yard. The water in the buckets is the collection of rain from the past few days. Yesterday the buckets became completely full.  The trowels are sitting in a container of dirt that I keep around to supplement planters.  As you can see it is now saturated soil.  The pooper scouper is the perfect weapon for picking up garter snakes and placing them in a bucket.  I would have to dump the water before I could plop it into the bucket.  Garter snakes swim so they would get out of the bucket quickly.

The creeping bluebells are shown a few days ago when it wasn't raining. I always admire people who are able to grow lavender but I guess I have a great substitute for that.  This was taken when the sun was shining and I don't think we have seen the sun for a while. Maybe tomorrow we will see sun.

The flowers here are needing sunshine and heat.  They haven't had a lot of time to root in but they are really slow getting started.  The hosta behind the blue boy is the one that I discovered hovering under a peony.  I didn't really know I had that shape of hosta with the long leaves until I decided to move it out and away from the peony.  I was able to get three plantings from the crowded plant.  It isn't very pretty but it is different and a good green in color.

I haven't shared the view of my stump leftover from the removing of the 28 year old spreading juniper.  I am so glad the bulk of it is gone as it kept hitting me in the face when I would go to get into the car.  I would go walk the dog late in the evening and I was always getting a slap from this overgrown shrub.  I still have not done anything to the area as I seem to be not ready to make any decisions on it.  Also the area is just muddy and impossible to walk through at this time.

I will finish with this newly opened hydrangea.  It is the one plant that had a large amount of winter kill and the stems that did come up are now blooming.  This plant is probably two weeks behind the other one that survived.  I like the original green color that eventually turns white.

It is cool and sunny this morning.  Yesterday was a tough day for Iowa as the hail in places destroyed houses and tornado like winds destroyed properties. I really don't know what will happen to all the water that we have had the past days.  The northern part of the state gets a lot of rain and it ends up down here both the Des Moines River and also the Mississippi River.  The rain was so heavy in the Des Moines area that rivers were created where dry creeks usually are year round.  One of our friends had a garden area where the entire sweetcorn crop was flatten from flooding waters.  We didn't have damage this time but the mud bothers me.

I do think I can mow this morning as yesterday it was sprinkling when I went out to buy gas for the mower.  I never got the mower started as it was the beginning of a day of rain.  I may have to wear a sweatshirt to mow this morning but that is ok rather than it being too hot. I hope everyone has a good day. Thanks for stopping by my post.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you were able to mow while the heat was not bad. I hope you will get some sun to dry up the mud soon. Our first few weeks here, the mud was horrible and we tracked it everywhere we walked.
    Your hydrangea sure is pretty.
    Hope you both have a good evening.
