Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday's Moments......

When it rains and the ground gets soaked up for a long period of time, this plant thrives.  I am assuming that it is a water plant and most would call it a weed.  If you leave it long enough, not pulling it, you get these small blue and yellow blooms.  I had never noticed before that the yellow on the bloom are small little flowers.

 My new purchase has yet to be planted.  It will be done this morning.  It has a name that reminds me of snow edged mountain.  As it grows I can give you the correct name but I don't know it for now. The ground is muddy out there but I can still get it into the ground.  I now realize they can be put in temporary spots and I can shift them around like when one moves furniture.  When I plant this I may do some more moving of other hostas.

The snow on the mountain or bishop's weed is doing well this year with all the rain.  I didn't know what to expect from the garden this year but getting rain has really changed my expectations.  The one other patch like this is very small this year but I bet it will take off soon. 

I do get a true red of flowers with the camera when the conditions are just right. This plant hasn't bloomed for me since last fall.  It didn't bloom in the house like some of the others did.  It is such a rich red color that makes the other red look a lot more orange.  All the hardy geraniums but one survive the winter in the house.  They really are regrouping now with all the humidity that we are having.  We had a very thick fog this morning but the sun has now burned it off for a clear day.

This is the last of my blooms for the William Baffin.  I hope that it blooms again this season but I just don't remember if it does or not. I need to get some of its stalks tied up as the rains have put them on the ground.  I have raspberries out there where it is growing.  I haven't looked yet to see if the rain has helped them as they seemed not to be doing very well.

One last photo of a hosta today to share.  I bought it a couple of years ago and it was not doing well.  I have moved it out into more sunshine and some of the leaves are really starting to grow.  It isn't a full hosta yet as it is lopsided.  Also can you see the  hole in the leaf from a large hail stone?

I get the day to work in the yard today. I am happy about that. I go out and start working in an area and I never really know where I will end up.  I have the last of the spreading juniper to be cut and I did byy a pruning blade for my saw.  I may get more trimmed off of it before the chainsaw has to be used.  I have a cheap new potentilla bush to find a home for that will give it a good place to grow.  I want to start working on my new garden area but I just don't have plans done in my mind as to how I want to create it.  The planting of the hen and chicks plant will happen this morning also.  I helped mow some of the neighbors yard on Saturday and I may return to  finish that.  He has a back problem and a riding a mower isn't much fun to use with back problems.  I didn't know that was what was going on as his yard kept being unattended to and the grass is very tall.  I have a push mower and it will take time to get through it.

A busy day with lots to do but I hope to just pace myself and enjoy it.  I don't have to return to paint on that set of rooms at school.  I didn't like the color of the paint that was selected, battleship gray, and really hate to contribute to the ugliness that the principal is creating in the rooms.  I am just a sub and I hope someone else gets to finish that job before I work again.  Had a good time seeing my brother and his wife later.  Will share more about that at another time. Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. We are to get rain this afternoon and for the next few days. It has not been good for my flowers, just to much.
    Have fun working in your yard today. Your flowers look very happy.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the visit with your brother. I enjoy seeing your hostas. I saw a new one in a plant catalog that as it ages, it turns a pale yellow.
    Your plants are very pretty this year. Looks like we might lose a very small rosemary plant we purchased.
    Glad you have the day to work in the yard and I know your neighbor greatly appreciates your help.

  3. Looks like Spider Wort Larry, some people view it as an invasive weed, but I myself look forward to it's return, year after year.
    Your garden flowers are thriving wonderfully, so much beauty !

  4. Yes a Spiderwort..stunning blue color! The WB Rose should bloom again throughout the summer...mine is finally coming!! :)
