Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This is the bud of the rose that I will show you next.  The sequence is interesting to see as it is so bright and then fades to light pink.

The bloom is wonderful with the full petals and yellow stamens in the center.  It depends on the weather but during the hot season it just doesn't last for very long.  This is actually the second and last bloom of this rose.  I will be clipping it back to get a rebloom from it.  It might last three days if I am lucky.

This is a buggy season with all the rain and you can see my two little black bugs hanging out on the bottom petal.

This is the color it becomes after a day or two.  When it gets to be this color I know that the petals will start to fall.  You can see the bugs are enjoying this flower and yet I don't see that they are eating the flower.  It must be the tiny insects on the petals that it likes.

The trash pile from the spreading juniper keeps growing.  I now have only a foot tall stump now from the old shrub.  I haven't taken new pictures yet of the cleared area but it is a great improvement.  I have two iris that were trying to grow under the shade of everything.  I am not going to move them until they get built up from sunlight and rain. 

I bought pruning blades for my reciprocating saw and was able to cut good sized logs away from the shrub.  I will either leave the stump and make it into a bird bath or I will get out the chainsaw and remove the rest of it.

I will mow some more today getting a lot of the orchard trimmed up and also the dogs backyard.  I am staying ahead of the mowing so far and we haven't had rain for a few days.  That does help keep the grass from growing out of control. I will be on the computer a lot today working on the editing of senior photos.  I am about one third done so far and I hope to hit a big group of them today getting them ready for mounting on the board.  We are cool this morning so the mowing gets done first and I have one more thing to get planted into the ground.  I found a hosta yesterday on the place that is different than others and I  scattered parts of it in the different garden areas.  I found it out where I was clearing hiding under a peony.  It was crowded and I really never had looked at its leaf shape before or for a long time.  I dug it all out and returned a little bit of it in an area farther away from the peony.  Two other parts were sent to new planting areas.

It is Tuesday and I hope all of you have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

I am having trouble with my readers list.  For the past few days it shows only one reader that I follow and not the dozen or so that usually is there. It won't let me open see more menu. So I am not keeping up with everybody's comment.  I am catching up on some off my own blog site listing but the master one is not there.  I tried to manage it and it is not letting me in to work on that.  It says that there is trouble and check back later to see if things are better.   I will keep trying.


  1. Glad you had a cooler morning to mow the lawn. The rose is very unusual the way it changes color. I'll be anxious to see the hosta you found. I would love to get a bird bath and maybe a bench but after having just moved again, we think long and hard before buying anything for fear of moving it again!!!

  2. Beautiful roses.
    You are getting a lot cleared. Always something growing more than it should.
    A lot of people seem to be having trouble with the reader list. I have all the blogs I follow on the sidebar of my blog so I just look there. Hope it gets fixed soon.

  3. I'm having the same problem, with only one blog I follow showing up on my reading list. Hope they get it fixed soon; it's frustrating!

  4. What a beautiful rose:)
    Everyone is having the same problem, I checked at the blogger forum:(
