Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday......Late Showing

The jelly has been tested and it is very good to eat.  We will enjoy it on our toast in the morning.

The leftover jelly gets put in a glass bown and we will eat that first. It is good tasting as we don't water down the juice and we use a lot of  sugar just like we were told to do on the box of Certo.

My newest hosta is doing well as it likes getting out of that pot and into the ground.  We have probably had up to 6 inches of rain since I planted.  If your curious about the table over the plant it is a way to keep Barney out of the area.  I see that I planted the hen and chickens in the same location.  The stray plant is a phlox that is coming up.  My wild birds don't seem to need my water right now with all the water puddles everywhere.

We spent the day today looking at other peoples' art work.  The Des Moines Arts Festival was today in the downtown park area.  Many artist, 200 or more, from all over the United States were selected to be in the show.  It is an excentric group of artist with styles that are varied and sometimes just plain different.  In protest to the lack of midwest artist being in the show a local person developed a Midwest Art Festival that is at the State Fair grounds. It is mostly Iowan artist showing their work and there also some from surrounding states. Another 200 artists to share the work and for us to see. When you go to both shows you eventually have art viewing overload. We were really tired when we returned this afternoon. We were in the hot sun all morning and they didn't get rained out until about 3 in the afternoon. That is why this blog is so late as I had to rest before I could finish this post.

We are to have more storms tomorrow and the rain just keeps coming.  We have the best looking grass in our yard this year but it is always to- wet to mow it.   Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hi Larry, You guys had a busy day. The jelly turned out great. Blessings to you both; have a nice Sunday.

  2. The jelly looks real pretty, yes the rain will shut off one of these days...I mowed in between showers one day...and the next time we have a clear day I will mow again:)

  3. The jelly looks so good, I want to show up at your door with toast in hand.
