Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fruit for Thought.............

Coming from the new growth of the raspberry canes I was able to get these few cups of berries.  There are more out there but they need to be ripe before I pick them.  We are going to make a sauce out of them that  could be made for ice cream or put onto toast.  We do the one cup of berries to one cup of sugar and then smash it all down and refrigerate. 

It did not take long to pick the raspberries but the bush cherries too quite a long time.  I took a few containers out with me and picked in a smaller one then put them in this big bowl.  After about twenty minutes I changed my picking style and used the big bowl as my picking container.  I could hold the bowl under the branch and then pull my hand over the clusters of cherries that grew on the branch, there is not long stem on these cherries.  As I would glide my hand down a branch I let gravity put them into the bowl.  It was a lot faster as picking one cherry at a time would have been frustrating.

My wife and I smashed and pressed the juice out of them this morning and we ended up with six and a half cups of juice. We used an old fashioned processor device that was my wife's Aunt Irene's where you rotate and press the berries with a wooden device. I want to call it a colander but I know that is not the correct term.  When adding a half cup of water to the juice we will have to make two batches of jelly.  We need to go the store this afternoon to get more Certo,sugar and lids. Because of two years of dry weather we haven't made jelly for a long time.

I shared this also on my Photo a Day blog but I was able to capture the wren going into the house.  He has a moth in his mouth.  I hope the young ones are not picky eaters as they are going to get a moth stuck down their throats. I wonder if the size of insects they are being fed determine how big the young birds are by now.

It is strange that I never looked up at that house this summer even though I had heard the wren singing in the tree right next door to the shed.

My sunflower that were in my first planting cycle are starting to take off.  All the weeds you see in the background will be gone as I keep collecting grass and mulch the area. I used the no till method this year and will just mulch out around all the tomatoes and sunflowers. I have one little tomato on one of my plants.

It is raining this morning but it  should be done by noon. It is a stretched out line that is thin and is just giving some of us a small amount of rain.  Some areas are heavier than others.  I fertilized tomatoes and some of the flower beds this morning hoping the rain would help to work the stuff down to the roots. 

I will be working on the senior composite again today.  I am almost done with it but it is the  stragglers that are always the problem.  I have administrator pictures to locate and a couple of seniors who did not turn in pictures.  I will use their junior picture from last year's yearbook, which I don't have right now,  I will have to go borrow one from school.  I also have four pictures from our shared special education school of those who graduated that need to be scanned and formatted.  The rest of them are all ready for printing.  Thirty seven of them so far and the printing is my wife's job.

Rainy days mean I will be doing less today work wise.  We did need the rain and I have worked outside the last three days.  It is good to be inside today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wonderful post today. The raspberries are nice but the cherries are perfect! My favorite ice cream at the expensive parlor is raspberry chocolate!
    We did not have rain yesterday so I watered this a.m. Amazing how quickly the ground dries out in this heat.
    Best wishes with completing your sr. project. Hope you are feeling much better.

  2. No raspberries here yet, but we made the year's strawberry jam this week 30 jars done.

  3. Wonderful. You can't beat those home grown or wild raspberries for flavor. The pumped out imported one have no taste...:)

  4. Hmmm, don't they look delicious !
    So tasty :)

  5. You are really getting some nice fruit!
    Love the photo of the wren going into the house.

  6. Nice looking fruit! I hope I am up to picking raspberries this year because we enjoy them all winter:)

  7. I'm late catching up with all your adventures, and am green with envy over those cherries! The bowl must be immense, or the cherries are smaller than the usual pie cherries.

    Those little ones were what we had on two trees back on the farm in Mississippi, and I SO miss those. They were absolutely so filled with CHERRY flavor, that working with such tiny fruit was still worth it.

    And for cobblers---even putting them through the chinoise (proper name for that squeezer with the wooden "maul" as my Mammaw called it, but the whole apparatus was ever known as The Jelly Thing) made just pulp and juice, so I just said the heck with it, made quarts and quarts of the whole ones into delightful cobblers over the years, and just warned people as I served it to Watch Out For Pits.

    Haven't made any jams or jellies in two years, when friends brought us gallons of beautiful figs of several kinds.

    Yours looks amazing---thick and clear and so colourful--simply beautiful.

    My Mammaw also said, "Payound for Payound with sugar" so you're doing it JUST RIGHT.

