Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday in the Middle........

When I have so few things actually blooming right now I keep taking the shot of the same bloom.  It is different each time I take a photo of it as the blooms continue to increase in size.  I do  have most all of my hardy geraniums budded now ready to bloom soon.  They will all be out at the same time.

Here is a shot of ou new tea rose called "Peace." My wife and I had to research the peace rose as we both thought they looked differently than this.  It was a rose developed around the end of the world war 2.  I thought they were whiter than this and my wife thought they were more yellowish and orange.  We looked up the images on yahoo and we found so many different versions of the rose strain. When this opens we will see what it will look like and compare it to the ones on the internet.

This was a cheap version that I bought and I will struggle to keep it through the winter as tea roses don't survive our winters without special heavy cover.

My hostas are giving a better show now as the newer leaves are covering all the hail damage. I hate to dig into this one but I would like more of this in the garden rather than the one I have planted everywhere.  I don't want to be a collector but I would like to buy some different kinds and all our local places that they are sold don't have any. There isn't anything too special at the lumber yards or wally mart except for a plain one and a white one.  This hosta must have come from a garden center that I worked at one summer. 

I am struggling to get this blog done today as google or blogger are really having difficulty this morning. I may have to stop and try to save it and  return later to finish this post.  I would be a lot sad to have to rewrite it again as what happened to me recently.

The creeping blue bell is showing off in the backyard.  The larger growth of this plant is in the front yard is just now starting to show a few buds trying to open.  The day lily next to these blooms seems healthy but I have not seen any buds on any of it.

We stopped and bought a cake for our anniversary when returning from our early meal on Monday.  We changed plans from where we were to eat so we could get there and back before the storms were to hit.  Our original place to eat didn't open until 5:00 and we wanted to be back home by then.  The cake is red velvet and was good to eat.  We have strawberry cheesecake ice cream with it and it makes it a special dessert to eat.

I finished clearing the garden area yesterday so these can be planted.  It became too hot and humid for us to get out to plant them but we can wait for dry soil and cooler temps.

We did not have a storm last night but it stayed warm all night.  A storm is crossing the state right now and is staying about 30 miles north of us.  With that happening the  temperatures dropped to 66 degrees F. this morning.  Even so we will be close to 91 degrees F.  this day as we move through the day and it  is suppose to feel like 100 degrees.   The storm north of us should be gone soon and we will have sunshine and warm air coming our way very soon.

I didn't get much work done outside yesterday as it did get too warm out there. My wife said I looked like I was walking in slow motion while I was out there. I did get 16 senior photos ready for printing yesterday.  It took a large portion of time to remember all the steps that it takes to get a single photo ready to go for printing.  Students turn in photos that are horizontal and I have to crop a vertical billfold shaped one out of it. There are a lot of students that don't want to pay for a photographer sow there are bad cell phone shots.  I do my best to make them better looking than they look when I first receive them. We print 6 per page so we will be doing about 9 or more sheets to get the photos ready for mounting on the white board.

I thank you for stopping in today.  I hope all are feeling well and that the weather isn't a major issue to deal with today.  Ah, tomorrow!


  1. That cake looks good! Your red petunias are very cheerful:)

  2. That is interesting about the Peace rose. I know blogger Patsy recently lost hers.
    Your cake looks delicious.
