Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday's Few Findings............

Flower and water weed sit side by side. I need to get out there and take care of the freeloaders in the flowers.

My tomatoes are really growing taller and they all have blooms on them.  I started them all from seed so my patch is not as mature as those who purchased greenhouse plants.  I will catch up with them and be glad that they put out red tomatoes of all sizes for us to eat.

 My zinnias should be starting to bud even though they are not very tall yet.  They seem to form buds and put out more branches as they bloom. I have two patches of zinnias to make up for not having any last year. My neighbor bought me another packet of seed but I won't plant them until next spring.She must have seen them on a sale.  I planted her two patches in front of her two wagon wheels and she is anxious to see them bloom also.

Granddaddy Long Legs is probably not the official name but that is all I have ever known of this spider.  They seem to be everywhere and for some they are not as afraid of them.  The smaller dark variety seems to be more dangerous.

Summer is going by quickly.  We are half way through July already and once August hits we will see signs of winter around the corner.  I still have some things that I need to do to the outside of the house and I hope things work out for me to get them done.  I seem to have the garden things under control but I still have things I want to do with that.  My last day that I will be working at school will be the last of July.  I will be back on my own getting some projects done.  I hope everyone is having good weather and thank you for visiting my post today.


  1. I have just recently stumbled upon your blog from someone's sidebar (can't remember who). I enjoy the daily garden 'catchup', and your beautiful photos.

    And I like how you thank people for stopping by. Hope you get caught up on all that you want to get done !

  2. Flowers have slowed down here. I got mold on my zinnias last year, so did not plant any. This year it is on my tall phlox. don't know what to do about it.

  3. It has been hard to keep up with the landscape and gardening chores with all the rain this spring and summer but.... so green everywhere. I love it. :)
