Saturday, July 19, 2014


This is the year for the hardy geranium at my place.  I have mentioned it before but this year the plants  have enjoyed our weather.  No more hot and dry weather as the past two years.  We even have cool nights which the plants seem to enjoy.  I am starting to have to water things and that isn't a bad deal considering last year I would water to just keep them alive.  I couldn't get the blooms because the water was needed to keep the foliage alive.

The white hardy geranium really is one of my most striking bloomers with the white being in high contrast to the dark green leaves.  It does seem a little more fragile compared to all the other different colored ones.It doesn't go into a full sized set of blooms like the red ones do.

Here is another view of the tea rose that I have.  It has another bud to bloom so it will last a lot longer than I expected.  I am still researching the kind of Peace rose that it is as I keep finding so many different colors of it on the internet. 

Home today from a harder than usual day of work at school yesterday.  I am glad to have a free day back again and will do a few things around the place.  They, the town city crew,  finally sprayed for mosquitoes after a lot of complaining citizens mentioned that we pay you all year for this service.  It was like instant success as I can now walk in the garden again without anything bothering me.  I was snapping photos for a while while doing a dance to keep moving to keep them off of me. 

I hope everyone out there is having a good summer.  It seems to be going fast as we are finishing off July in a few weeks.  July 31st will be my last day working as a substitute janitor.  I mentioned to my wife we really do need to do something to celebrate that being over and done.  I seem to be in sporadic retirement and can't call it quits yet.   Thanks for checking in today and have a good weekend all of you in the cyber world.

I should post a warning that life gets so busy that I sometimes repeat photos on my post and I am not aware of it.  I am going to start looking for nonflowering things too as I seem to be in a rut. 


  1. Some how I didn't buy Geranium's this year. Yours do look lovely.

  2. That is a beautiful rose! Summer is going fast. Hope you enjoy some time off after you retire again:)

  3. I love your blooms. I've never been successful with geraniums and I love seeing your different colors.
    Glad you will soon take a break from work for a while. You two do need to celebrate somehow.
    Celebrating for us usually involves a favorite restaurant and a box of doughnuts or a carton of ice cream!!!

  4. Nice blooms, Larry, and this year I didn't plant any geraniums so nice to see yiurs. Glad you will be getting a break from the summer janitorial stint and hope you take some down time to relax and treat yourself...perhaps to a road trip getaway. And, as retired folks ourselves we can let you know it is a very good thing.
