Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday's Mentions...........

Our mosquitoes are back after the one spraying that was done by the town.  While shooting these coneflowers I could hear the neighbors up the street trying to have a barbeque. I bet they ended up in the house once the meat was cooked. I didn't stick around very long to shoot these flowers.

When volunteer coneflowers want to come up in my tomato plants I figure they can just get along with each other.  I also have many hollyhocks coming up among the plants. The tomatoes are putting out flowers and so are the coneflowers in one happy flower garden.

The sad looking plants that came in the container with the orange peach petunias are growing stronger.  I actually think the purple flowers are smaller petunias.  The yellow ones could be identified by a few of my readers.  I don't want to commit to the name at this point.

I am hanging doors again today.  The guy who paints them is ready for some assistance to get them hung.  We hung 14 of them the last week and I know there are another 14 ready to be hung.  I hope we get them done before the heat really settles in the building.

Thanks for stopping by today at my blog.


  1. Not sure what that pretty little yellow flower is... I hope you survive the heat will be tired come 2 PM:)

  2. Oh, I thought Connie Far Side would know what the yellow flowers were.
    Hope you did not get overheated today.

  3. I love that you have a cone flower by your tomato. I have some morning glories in my winter squash this year. I also have a volunteer tomato by some sunflowers. Super hot here today. Hope you are well.
