Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday's Showing.........

I was forced to bring this planting closer to the house once I discovered it doesn't have much soil in the pot.  It was the special I bought last year and the manager had packed in a lot of unsold geraniums into one pot.  The soil was not really the soil you want to have to hold water as it is planted in the mixes that are light weight.  I have to water it everyday to keep it going.  It is quite a show but my plant hook looks lonely out there without a flower hanging from it.

 While sitting on my back step I can see this view.  It is a lot of foliage this year but the flowers seem to be few.  The ditch lily has only three stalks projecting up this year.  The phlox seems like it isn't going to bud and yet I have phlox elsewhere that is in bloom.  We will see what happens with them as they are very tall this year and it would look nice if they would put some blooms on the end  of those stems.  The hydrangea shrub at the top right did not bloom and I am certain it will not bloom as it is too late in the season.

My red zinnia patch, compliments of Far Side,
is doing well. She sent me seed to remind me that I needed to plant some this year.  I need to get out and water them today as we have a heat zone moving in for the week.  My other patch of mixed zinnias are looking this good too. I am mulching with grass clippings this year as often as I can.  I still get some weeds coming through but it is easier to keep the beds clean with the grass clippings. I don't like the interruption of emptying a grass collection bag so I only collect three batches each mowing session and then leave it off to do the rest of my mowing.

I have about 12 plants of sunflowers out there and they too are getting grass clipping  mulch.  The sunflowers really seemed to develop at different rates this year as the whole field of them are at very different heights.  I am thinking that I will see some buds on these in a couple of more weeks.  As fast as they grow it will be a couple of more feet higher in two weeks.

My trellis on the garden shed is starting have morning  glory vines reach its very top.  I assume the vines will start growing across as they reach the top and there is no farther for them to go. No blooms yet but they seem to bloom more in August around here so I am not surprised.  This was a package of mixed colors seed so I will be anxious to see what colors that I have.

On our way to Sunday school to teach this morning then a sandwich will be had afterward.  I return to hang another batch of doors at work tomorrow so I am trying to get rested up for that.  Being at work by 6:00 in the morning is one of the hardest parts of it plus tomorrow we will hit almost 90 degrees F. outside.  The non-air part of the building is where I will be helping out so it is good we are done by 2 in the afternoon.  

Thank you for stopping in today and I hope you all have a great Sunday of rest.


  1. It is a delightful Sunday to day.
    My ditch lily didn't do well this year., your flowers are looking good. I don't have blooms yet on my morning glory but they are growing.

  2. Always delightful to view your yard/flowers and your signature blue gate. Everything looks wonderful. We noticed one of the new homes for sale near us has morning glories growing wild behind it.
    Take care at work tomorrow.

  3. I love that trellis. It will be covered up in no time.

  4. Good to see that the Zinnia seed sprouted:)
