Saturday, July 5, 2014

Saylorville Dam..........

We visited the Saylorville Dam area yesterday to see and hear the water overflowing out of the lake.  Years ago the Des Moines River was dammed up to create a recreational area for Iowa and to help with flood control.  I guess the flood control thing was the practical side of the reason but too much water coming from heavy rains and the water from northern Iowa really is never ever really controlled.  This water is coming through the spillway and entering into the Des Moines River. The roar is unbelievable as the water flows down a larger concrete tunnel  into the river.

As it is dumping into the river the result looks like this.  Can you see how small the people look along the riverbank on the left.  It is a larger amount of water being put back into the river. This water ends up meeting up with the Raccoon river that is south of Des Moines where flooding can take place to old Valley Johnston.  It usually floods everywhere near and in the cities around Des Moines.  The last major disaster was in 1993.

As the water comes down the concrete spillway it collides with the body of water of the river and there are many reactions to the great force.  It forces water into large waves of water getting the visitors wet on the other side.

It actually reacts to both sides of the river and here we are getting wet on our side from the mixing of the great force of water coming down the spillway.  The dam is said to be holding fine all of the high water but another foot higher in the water level and the emergency spillway will be going into action allowing the water to overflow down into another channel.  When it does overflow that will cover the road in which we had travelled to get to this spillway. We received rain continually last night through the morning.  Our town is actually a few miles from the Des Moines River where it now is full from bluff to bluff from having the water being held back.  I am sure the emergency spillway will be running in another day or two. We also live close to the tributaries that go into the Raccoon River that meets up everything down there.

 We ate breakfast out yesterday with my wife's brother and his wife.  We ended up in the bookstore for a while and then came home to rest. That didn't really happen as our neighbor lady asked us for a late lunch and then the tour of the Saylorville area.  It ended up being a very long day.  We had fun but did probably do too much. 

It is a rainy morning and dark out there.  It was suppose to clear off but it isn't looking like it right now as I type this.  We saw the fireworks on PBS last night and that was good enough for us.  The knats and mosquitoes are out now as the monsoons continue.  It was insect free in our living room.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. I didn't see any one fishing, we use to fish on a spillway in Tennessee. Nice day out!

  2. You had quite a busy day. Hope you both have been able to rest some. Is it still raining?
    This is such a pretty hydrangea.

  3. Somedays the best intentions get set aside...I am learning to say no. Hot and humid here the second day. No cool breezes for us and our living room is insect free also...I missed seeing the fireworks but we were just too tired:(

  4. Watching that water rush through was dramatic, Larry. We also had a auiet holiday celebration-helped with the local library annual July 4th book sale and had friends join us for crock-pot cooked ribs and some rousing games of dominoes.
