Friday, July 4, 2014


The parents of the little wrens remain very busy as the are feeding the family.  I see little beaks sticking out of the opening but can't seem to catch them with the camera.

It is a feeding frenzy as the parents come and go with insects.  I get a good scolding if I am noticed working in the garden but in most cases the adults rush into the apple tree searching for food for the young ones.

Below the wren house the morning glories keep growing.  The package of seed was a mixed variety of color one so I won't know what colors they will be until they start to bloom. We are going to be starting a newer phase in our weather season with hot and steamy being described by the weather people.

The planter that holds the glories seems to be working very well as I have good soil in it. I borrowed the idea from anther blogging friend and it is a good idea.

I was at Walmart yesterday and found some good deals.  I ended up buying three yellow privets shrubs at two bucks a piece.  I also bought four buck white roses in pots.  I was frustrated that their wasn't an actual label on them but a person in line said they looked like the carpet roses or a knock out rose.  You will see photos of these in the near future.  I have my eye on some other products at Walmart but I will wait for more  prices to drop.  Unfortunately the manager of the garden center area doesn't know much about plants and a lot of them are going bad quickly. Not enough water is being used to keep them alive.  We don't have rain anymore and they are going to have to get the garden hose out and use it.

I attached my flag to new found pole yesterday.  I moved my bracket to the front porch and it did get officially hung before the 4th.  I had the bracket lost and the flag and pole put away in different areas. Getting organized is a good thing, when it can happen.  I wish everyone a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.

1 comment:

  1. It has been fun to read about your wren family. Can't wait to see the morning glories.
    I believe that is a new photo of AJ on your sidebar. I imagine he is a bundle of energy this summer!
    We have our flag displayed today, also.
    Glad you found some nice bargains in the garden center. I look forward to seeing them.
