Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday's Trailings........

The greenhouse tomato has this on it while all my other plants have yet to bloom.  My indoor starts of tomatoes have caught up in growth to the same sizes as this Celebrity tomato but they are slow to develop for bearing tomatoes.  It of course has to warm up and the soil temperatures have to increase to get anything to happen.  I was out picking raspberries yesterday and I came in chilled to the bone, even after I wore a sweatshirt.  The 11 tomato plants look healthy enough and we are going to now warm up to normal summer temperatures the next few days.  The sunflower plants seem to be struggling with all the wet weather.  I hope the heat will make everything jump up with growth.

This is actually a bad photo that I am sharing but it is full of a lot of visual information.  The hostas are blooming this  year with gusto and the yellow Asiatic lilies are lasting a long time.  The redish spots are the other daylily that is behind all of this and the folded patio umbrella looks great in the corner of the shot.  The variegated iris keeps looking a little too crowded among all of this growth.  I may find a new home for it in a couple of days.  I forgot to mention that the phlox are doing well with a wet spring and they are taller this year than I have seen for a long time.  I don't think we had blooms last year.

While working in the garden yesterday I noticed the neighbors weed patch has this plant growing in it.  This area is next to the alley and I mow right next to if for him or for myself to make it look a little better.  I think it must be wild phlox as it isn't anything that has been planted there.  It grows among some other taller weeds as well as with our Iowa grown wild hemp.  I try to pull the hemp just because and whenever I see it. The hemp comes up in all the weird places.  I would post a photo but I don't think I want to get my self put on a list of people to watch. The weed smokers of the world say it is very poor quality weed.

I have some of this flower in my lilacs on the other side and sometimes it gets mowed down before it blooms.  I think I will try to move some of it over by my morning glory trellis to see it I can cultivate it like other phlox.

While working outside yesterday, picking raspberries and trimming limbs from the pear tree,  I noticed I could prune back a lot of things that would be work that would last all summer.  The pear tree branch that stuck way out, that hung in the way, and looked off balance on the tree came down with my pruning saw.  Sadly the branch had four pears on it which I had not seen before cutting. I will hope there are other pears up there hiding so I can pick those.  I have pruned it back enough that I will have to get a ladder this year to assist my reaching any fruit.

This is the plant the neighbor gave to me for a start.  It was yellow and sick looking.  I think it had been under a porch down in Texas. When it was brought up here the neighbor had it sitting in the direct sun.  I sat it under the grill next to the tank and it really has returned to a natural green. It likes shade apparently.  I am concerned that the granite pan has no drainage holes in it so I will  have to keep an eye on it from getting over watered.  Right now it looks very happy where it is sitting.

I bet the regular followers of this blog recognize this trusty hardy geranium.  It sat in the window inside next to me on the computer and was blooming all winter.  When spring came I put it outside and nothing happened.  It has just now bloomed since I put it out there. I had forgotten that I bought this geranium first of all because of the color on the leaves.  It has had some fertilizer now and it is really loving being on the patio.

I will finish today with my blurry fish report.  They seem to be doing fine.  I will mention one more time that I need to get the water level lowered in this tank as it is overflowing each time we get rain.  I also will make a strong effort to get the pump and fountain in today.  It is going to be warmer today.

Summer is going fast and I seem to be getting caught up a little on my outside work. I still need to take down the red bud tree and transplant things into the new garden area.  Once I start on either project it will progress quickly.  It really is the starting that is the hard part. I now know that writing it down, what I need to get done, doesn't speed things up for me so I will try to not list so much stuff of things to do on my blog.  I guess I need to write about the successfully completed things that I have done and stop listing.

I am so glad we will not have rain today and I am ready for some hot weather.  I hope all are well out there and thank you again for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Always fun to get an update on your yard. That geranium sure is pretty and I love the hosta and phlox and lilies, too. Glad the fish are ok. We did not plant any vegetables this year; we notice the neighbor's corn is growing very well. We have aft. highs near 100 this week. I told John about how cool your weather had been. I hope you will get some more pears from your tree. Be careful climbing though.
