Thursday, August 7, 2014

Beyond Wednesday..............

They seem to be more like umbrellas as they spread their petals downward.  I remember when I first saw a coneflower and I wondered what was wrong with them.  I wasn't aware that they were a wildflower from the prairie.  People were not into prairie plants when I was a kid but they became popular to talk about and plant in the 90's.  One does need a buffalo or two to have a real prairie.  We can go to the park near here to see buffalo but they tromp out all the wild flowers in their limited pen.

This is a hosta that I had planted too close to a tree, during a two year drought. Now in its third year on my property, moved out and away from the tree,  it has finally taken off and grown.  It is an unusual pattern on the leaves. Our 2 inches of rain or more will make it a very happy hosta.

This is the volunteer sunflower that came from the birds or a squirrel dropping the seed far away from the bird feeder.  The top flower is big but up and down the stem are these smaller buds and blooms.  

To dispel the thought that I have a very lush garden everywhere on my property this is what it actually looks like in one of my flower areas.  I see I have a pile of juniper branches to be burned in the background.  The flowers are very scattered in my yard but macro shots make me look like a major nursery business. 

I am sure people who follow me regularly tire of my repeating things, over and over again.  I will only mention that I took the bargain hanging planter of many geraniums apart on Tuesday and I planted the plants into a pot full of real soil.  The basket was all filled up with planting medium and watering twice a day to keep them going was frustrating.  The group of geraniums had all gone bad because I missed watering it one day.  I do prefer soil anyway for geraniums. I will share a photo when they start to bloom again.  I have nothing to hang on my garden hook now but I will work on that problem today.

Good old Iowa dirt and a large planter gave these oxalis a vacation in the sun.  The leaves on this planting are twice the size of the oxalis that I have inside the house.  I will try to replant the inside one this week and give it a chance to really  grow.

It is foggy this morning and the rain chances are less.  The sprinkles have stopped but we may get a couple of more chances of that today.  We are headed to KFC this noon to take the neighbor lady to her favorite place to eat chicken.  She likes the company and me driving her car so we will get out today.  I was planning a bookstore excursion but there is a Friday left in the week for that.  We are cool again this morning and have not see the sun for a couple of days.  Today I predict to see some sunshine.  It will take away the foggy swampy look that we have right now.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Never tire of seeing your lovely flowers.
    Have a good day!

  2. I think your flowers are lovely- especially grouped all together. That makes a wonderful splash of colors. I've never planted coneflowers before, but I am seeing them on blogs everywhere..must be a popular choice this year.

  3. Your coneflowers are beautiful! I also like your splotshy Hosta...very unique:)

  4. We have Coneflowers just like those.
