Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Morning Rain........

We have been receiving a quiet steady rain through the night and this morning it was still raining.  It is so needed as the cracks in the ground were everywhere.  It was surprising as to how fast our soil dried out considering the wet spring that we had.  The hardy geraniums are bowing down to the rain as you can see as they get a  shower removing the dust from their leaves and blooms.  The hosta looks really better just from an overnight shower.   We have an inch and a quarter of rain so far and it is thought we will have another inch by evening.  The crops in the fields look great but this is perfect timing for it all to be better.  I did see a field of corn yesterday that was already firing from the bottom.

The surprise lilies seem to have had healthy leaves but the returning blooms are going to be minimal this year.  I have only two stalks that showed up so far. The first bloom seems to be pretty beat up from weather.

Another weathered warrior is this brown eyed susan.  The foliage itself all around it shows it is a jungle out there and it is every plant for itself. The vines are growing well this season so I am busy trying to eliminate them as much as possible.

Those who keep everything in nice rows would not have the layers of things that I have.  They would not have weeds either.  There are views of tomato vines up high and the sunflowers in the background. The mint is blooming and is keeping itself back a little as I  mowed a large area of it.  Brown in the background is grass mulch that I have around the cucumber and melon vines. The foreground, weed, puts out a small blue flower so I tolerate it on certain days.  On other days I eradicate it a few easy pulls.

I will finish today with this photo of two blooms in one day.  The vines are young yet so I can't expect too many blooms.  I think that only three vines survived in the planter out of all of the ones that I had planted in it.

The rains today makes it easy to just stay inside.  I have watered indoor plants and will be doing some of my usual inside chores.  I am so glad to get rain and will be glad that it sticks around for a couple of days.  We have State Fair coming up so it will turn very hot during that time as usual.  I hope all of your are doing well today. Thanks for coming by today.


  1. Hope we get your, rain need it bad.
    Lovely Morning glory's.

  2. The Morning Glory blooms look so fresh and pretty! Good that you got rain, we need some up here, the corn is turning brown at the bottom and the brush along roads is turning yellow:(

  3. Those are pretty morning glories. Enjoy the rain!
