Saturday, August 30, 2014


The cockatiels keep themselves busy watching the cars go by the house.  They love being in the window and are awakened by the sun in the morning and make bird calls as the sun goes down. I lost the red bud tree so they don't get to see birds in the trees but they do love to scold the dogs and people that go by their window.  They have my promise to now have a bigger cage as I spotted one that it twice the size of this one.  They do like to be together so I would hate to separate them.  The yellow one on the left is Jack Sparrow who is the father of the the three others.  When Jack lost his  mate he was clamoring to get into the cage with his three offspring. It made it crowded but they all do enjoy themselves. 

 Next to the four is this one last Zebra finch.  He has always been alone as he would nervously pull all his neck feathers down to the skin while in a group setting.  I call him my rehab bird as he is fine all by himself.  I like his little crow that he makes to let people know he owns the territory.  He really likes to have his cage directly next to the four bigger birds and he lives a good life flying around in his cage and eating and sleeping.  At one time I was going to move him into a different cage but decided it might mess him up emotionally again and he would try to pull all of his feathers.

I moved this hosta section to this location a few weeks ago and it really does like its new home. It will become larger next year as it settles in at its new site. I have a lot of things planted in and around this hosta but nothing looks too good yet for me to be taking any pictures of it.  It has two roses near it and iris planted also in the area.

The ditch lily always lets me know when fall is coming.  It starts to collapse and turn yellow.  This batch of ditch lily didn't put out a single bloom this year.  I guess the past summers were hard on it.  The  brick is just there.  I don't even know why it is there but it must have been surrounded by foliage long before I was able to get it out of there.

The fall mums are so great to see and I had picked up two.  I showed the yellow one in a past blog and this one is now starting to open its blooms.  Usually mums winter over for me as long as the weather conditions stay normal for our growing zone.  I really like the color of this one as it turned out to be more than just brown. 

We are home today and that is where we will stay.  I saw the sun shine a few minutes ago but we are overcast again.  Another large rain last evening fell but we are told today and tomorrow we are suppose to stay dry.  I have some orchard mowing to finish that I started about four days ago.  I may just wait now and mow it when I start over with the main part. I need to find some more buckets to collect apples that are falling from the trees.  I hope all are doing well out there and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Great photos of the beautiful birds!
    They are cute. I love their stylish haircut and orange accents on the cheeks :)
    Have a nice weekend :)

  2. I have no experience with birds but yours look like a friendly bunch. As for that multi-colored hosta - that's beautiful. Look forward to watching pics of it grow. Have a pleasant holiday weekend. Hope the weather holds up for you.

  3. I hope that your wife is feeling better today. I enjoyed the photos of the birds. They certainly have a nice window to look out at the passersby.
    This mum is very pretty. We don't yet have mums here but I would like to add a few.

  4. Beautiful clematis and I love the bird family!

  5. Bennie had a Cockatiel and it loved only him. It bite me every time I cleaned the cage. May have been best to have had more then one??
    My ditch lily looks like yours now but it did bloom this year it was not a pretty bloom.

  6. We had a Cockatiel hated me but adored my husband...We enjoyed having birds, but they are some work! I loved to listen to their sounds. :)
