Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunshine on Sunday......

As I gaze out my dinning room window this morning I can see so many things happening.  The three different American Flags on the different houses all show that there is a gentle southern breeze as they wave in the air.  We were told that we would warm up today to 88 degrees and the southern states are providing the heat. An older gentleman is walking by while another neighbor leaves in her red van.  She back up carefully no to hit the walker in the street.

The neighbor woman in her green van backs out to go to Casey's probably to go get milk or bread for breakfast for all her kids while another white small truck is coming up the way. Button is out checking out the yard for about the fourth time this morning but it is exciting to get outside.  The gentle breeze is causing all of the trees and bushes to sway with some of the leaves are starting to fall. I have not seen the hummingbird this morning but it is early.  The street is not that busy usually but for some reason today everything seems to be on the move. I plan to just sit still for a little while longer.

I apparently have two different kinds of white morning glories as this one looks just like the blue one in shape and size.  The other white one, that people described as a moon flower, did bloom during the rain on Thursday. That makes four different kinds of glories on the trellis.  The first to bloom, the pink one, has not bloomed for quite a while.

I didn't have morning glories last year so you can see why I am a lot hyper with the photos.  This blue one could be seen at a far distance in the yard as I first noticed it while I was out along the street. It is a nice dark blue color with many buds all around it meaning I should see more flowers the next few weeks.

I use this tray to hold water for the birds and the antique chick waterer device sits in the middle of it for no good reason.  The leave landed there as the photographer would not have thought to pick a leaf and place it there. The reflection of the tree behind me creates a sun like shape. I have not had to fill this tray for weeks now.

The conservation people in charge have declared that the ash bore is in Boone county not in Dallas county.  We live a mile or two south of the Boone county line and as you can see Dallas county also has cases of the ash bore disease, at least one anyway.  I sort of knew that it wasn't healthy in the spring but it did make a liar out of me by putting out some leaves but now you can see it has lost a lot of leaves and it really didn't go through its seed developing cycle.  It will have to be removed one limb at a time and eventually next spring I will have to find someone better with a chainsaw than me to take it down.

I have so many zinnia photos that you will have to put up with lots of shots of these for a few weeks.  My wife is better from her summer cold but we will make a short trip in for Sunday school and then right home. The cough she has now is a productive one and she did sleep through the night last night.  Sleep really is the great healer of bad colds and bad colds like to keep you from sleeping. I am hearing from others on the blog that are getting this summer cold.  Our one anchor man today out of Des Moines has the same thing and he had to keep taking breaks away from the desk to cough.  Everyone out there have a great last two days of a three day weekend.  Thank you for checking in to my post. 


  1. Good Sunday Afternoon, Happy to hear that your wife is some better. The hot temps in your area today will be difficult for her cough, I am sure. Praying that she improves soon and that you won't get sick.
    Your header photo and pic out of the dining room window are so nice. The cats and I enjoy looking out the front window. Because we are home most all of the time, I have learned the sound of each neighbor's car as they come and go. Betty (age 78) drives a little truck with a distinctive sound and she goes to her daughter's twice a day to check on the dog.
    Your zinnias and morning glories sure are pretty and bright. About the only thing blooming here are vinca and roses.
    We finally rec'd rain last night and looks like a pine tree back in the natural area is going to fall soon. I'm sorry about you losing your tree. Our biggest challenge is finding someone to cut down a single tree.
    Hoping you both can rest today; will you grill out for Labor Day?

  2. What a nice post today, glad all is well today.
