Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Second Day of the Week.......

I don't think I have all my ducks in a row today but I do have all my hen and chicks in a row.  They  appear to be doing well out in the flower garden and no dog has disturbed them.  I need to break off some of those chicks and get them  growing on their own away from the mother plant.

This sunflower is getting close to opening up its big bloom.  This is the reddish brown one that I  planted as you can see brownish veins on the leaves.  The whole patch of sunflowers like August as they seem to be growing by many inches each day.  Our humidity probably makes them happy as the air is full of moisture.  I did go out and water my muskmellon plants and cucumber plants yesterday.  Until we get rain I will head out there every other day to dump water on them.  There are large cracks in the  ground out where they are planted.

I didn't think my tomatoes were ever going to take off but they have now.  I guess I have to remember that they were started later and they need the certain number of days of growth to mature.  The one celebrity tomato that I bought in the store which already had a tomato on it is just now having that first tomato turning red. By Friday or the weekend we can eat our first one from the garden.

I am still waiting on the zinnias.  The bud that I had taken a photo of a few days back has a stem that grew about 3 inches the past few days.  I need to go check to see if any more morning glories are blooming.  None bloomed yesterday but there are buds ready to open.

This is what the finished area looks like for now.  The place where the two corner gates sit was where the overgrown, non blooming forsythia grew.  I see now that I need to trim back the barberry so it will stay in its place and not crowd the fence.  After this shot I dug a hosta and divided it into four parts.  They are all planted in a row infront of the newer fence.  The stump of the lost tree is next to the privet shrub in the foreground of the photo.

We are clouded over right now with a slight chance of rain possible this morning.  If it does rain, which it looks doubtful, the amount will probably just wet the sidewalks.  It is a narrow band moving south and will not last very long. 

I didn't mow yesterday but ended up cleaning bird cages.  It took all morning as I like to take them outside with the birds in them and really give them a washing.  The cockatiels sort of like the process as they like a slight spray of water on them once in a while.

I didn't do a lot yesterday if I were to critique my amount accomplished but I did get some important things done. It was hot and very humid outside.  When I clean the two bird cages I usually do a thorough cleaning of the the room that they are kept in and I did need that.  I rearranged furniture and threw things away.  The birds are back in the window now and they love it.  They can't stay there with the cold weather of winter but for now they are putting out warning signs to dogs and people who are walking by them.  I am sure they miss the redbud tree that was outside of their window as they could see other birds too..

I hope everyone is doing well today.  The weather keeps being ever changing but that is what it is all about for us.  Everyone enjoy your Tuesday and thanks for checking in on my blog.


  1. Now that is a special event when you get to eat that first tomato from your garden.
    Flowers and yards have slowed down here.

  2. I am envious that you two will have a fresh tomato soon! I love hen and chicks but don't have any here yet. That sunflower will be gorgeous. Keep us posted about the zinnias and the glories. Always nice to get an update from you guys. Have a good evening. That's cute that the birds like a little water when you are cleaning!

  3. Weather keeps changing here too Larry. Chilly and raining most of the morning, then it suddenly cleared and got hot. Now it's still clear, but suddenly it's got quite cool again. More like September than summer. As they say, if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes!

  4. Your first tomato..we celebrate that too but this year our plants are so small I doubt that they will ever produce a tomato. That Zinnia is about to pop and I am anxious to see your sunflower:)

  5. I always liked chicklets. Wait a minute I think that was gum....;)
