Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday's Things.........

I have been playing with the zoom on the camera just to see what other perspective I can find out there on the property.  I am finding some interesting views that one does not see with the naked eye.  I looked through the finder and found this framed view of underneath the river birch.  The blurry foreground is the old grape arbor that has no grape vines.  I put new woven wire on it a few days ago to continue to keep Barney and Button in the back yard.  It had cobbled up pieces that were there before as I had put wire around the three grape vines that once grew there.

Leftover wire can be seen under the tree. The spare emergency logs show under the tree in case the furnace goes out and we have to burn the fireplace. The rusty old bicycle continues to rest and the marvelous bark on the river birch is looking great this time of the year.

Iris are in the foreground and next to the bike with raspberries to the left. I see the neighbors dead brush pile is behind it all that sits across the alley.  The zoomer who took the photo of course didn't get the board fence square with the world but it all works as a photograph, good or bad.

To the right of the bicycle is the garden shed.  The William Baffin rose bush has been tied up with its long stems attached to the shed.  I cut out a lot of dead wood on the rose base and moved a new start of the rose that was growing about a foot out from the original plant.  When I was getting the canes in order I notice that there was a bunch of buds on one stem down low. The buds are now opened and blooming.  I had to risk my life to get behind the canes with large thorns on them in order to get a photo. The thorns on this particular rose bush are deadly with very sharp points.

The window in the garden shed reflects the trees behind me.  The clay items inside are old pottery things I made in school when I was teaching. The shelf above the window sill didn't show up in the photo.  I guess I should take a second one on a step ladder to get that shelf to show.

 Hard at work at the other corner of the shed is the wheel barrow that my dad made. I have used it in a pinch but it is a heavy one that really was  meant to be used as a flower planter. I am storing another roll of fencing in it and the apples can drop down into it which is saving me from bending over to pick them up from the ground. Maybe next year I could fill it with dirt like my parents did and plant petunias in it.  I really never thought about it before now.  I just didn't want to send it to the landfill so I brought it home.

I am heading out to finish up the mowing that I started yesterday.  I mowed in the heat yesterday afternoon for about an hour and then decided I could finish in the cool of the morning. Our cool this morning is around 70 degrees F.  so it will be better than the temps that I had yesterday afternoon. Many other chores to do today.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I hope all went well with your wife's appointment yesterday.
    It is fun to do something different with camera shots. Love the soft pink of the rose.
    Have a good day playing in the garden, we got some rain yesterday, much needed.

  2. Hi Larry, Black Walnut...I am jealous as the wood is beautiful. We bought some long ago and use it for bases for carvings and all of my drawer handles in the kitchen are black walnut!
    Looks like you have been busy in the yard! :)

  3. You know I love birch tree bark and of course, old wheelbarrows! Seeing your bike, I wonder if I could still ride a bike?
    The fav shot today is the window in the shed. That would make a great notecard.
    John got our grass cut with the reel mower yesterday just before we got a good rain.
    Don't work too hard.
