Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday is Here Already..........

A rose is a rose and a zinnia is a flower of many colors.  So far most all of the zinnias are orange but I have a few token purple ones.  Lavender seems to be the color in the photo but I was worried that all I was going to have this year would be orange.

So far this small patch which is suppose to be red zinnias are all orange.  The genetics of zinnia seed must be an interesting one as this whole group is orange.

I had given new seed to my neighbor and her set of flowers seem to be random colors.  Her zinnias are doing poorly but my neighbor likes to use Preen everywhere to keep the weeds down.  I think she has ruined her soil for growing things as my zinnias are twice the size of her plants.

Removing the hardy geranium flower heads takes a while but as you can see I had a lot of old blooms to eliminate.  New buds are out and some are blooming already.

I deadhead the geraniums while sitting on the steps and waiting for Button to do his thing.  He likes to wander up and down the fence and pauses to eat grass instead of doing any business.

The begonia is doing well since I repotted it into better soil.  I have it hanging from my plant hook away from the house so I have to check on it once in a while giving a good drink of water.  We have had some dry days but this morning we are on the edge of a set of rain clouds.  We are not getting the downpours as the ones west and south are getting but I bet we will have another half of inch soon.

The dogs are waiting for it to clear up to go outside. Barney is concerned about the distant rumbling but I think he can get outside soon.  Button doesn't hear so much so he has been outside already  between rain sprinkles.

I did get the family treasure planted with a new vine.  It had the oxalis in it and that wasn't great for the size of the container.  I asked if this plant was good for the inside and not one could answer my question.  I figure it would be good for the donkey planter but I did hope to find out more about it.  As long as it doesn't get too dried out I think it will survive inside.  The heat of the furnace may be tough on it.

It is Wednesday and it is about the same old, same old thing for me to get things done.  I don't like starting the day dark and rainy but I will live.  The day's forecast actually is  the very 3 H's for today.  Very hot, very hazy and very, very humid.

It is a bad day for school to start in parts of the building today.  I won't be there for a while but later next month I will select a couple of days a week to work. I hope they pick up some new substitutes to work this year.

I will shut this down for now and wish all of you to have a good day.  Thanks for checking in  on my blog today.


  1. I love the zinnias. We woke to sunshine but it is dark and we have distance thunder too. Cute that Button runs along the fence checking things out. I have enjoyed your geraniums this summer. The donkey planter is lovely. What a treasure that is. Our block party is Friday early evening. Hope it won't rain! Wishing you two a very nice afternoon.

  2. What a beautiful flower in the first picture ! I love this color in the garden !

  3. Orange...I am sorry that they are Orange..but they are colorful! :)
