Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Action Photos.......

It was an action filled photo shoot yesterday afternoon as the mosquitoes seemed to be as big as barns and the one honey bee left his stinger in the back of my neck.  The above photo shows that I was distracted right after the sting.  I pulled the stinger out of my neck and took a few quick photos and went inside.  I was beyond disgusted with the insects out there in the garden. Oh, I now know that what I thought was mosquito spraying done by the city on Sunday night was not spraying at all.  I was wrong.

One insect was hungry as he left a Swiss cheese look to the morning glory leaf.  Between the insects and the cold air I think it is the end for my morning glories on this trellis.  The majority of the leaves are now yellowed either from too much water or cold air.  We were down to 42 degrees F. this morning. 

The plants that I bought in the mum variety were small but if I take a very close photo it looks like they are big.  Maybe next year I will have a larger set of plants. I lost another photo apparently as the brown mum picture doesn't seem to exist in my file.

At the very last moment this morning I got a call to come in and teach high school history.  It was difficult to say yes but I did.  I had planned to be gone and take the day off.  I guess I will be firm tomorrow and not work Wednesday.  I am not liking the new system that they are using for hiring subs. Anyone who calls in late doesn't allow others to pick up the jobs.  The other subs have already committed themselves on the computer to maybe lesser jobs, like a half day job, when the full day shows up.  I had told the computer to leave me alone but a person called me somewhat desperate even though she pretended not to be.  I have two extremes today with three freshmen classes and the rest senior or junior classes.  The freshmen still want to act like sixth graders and they take a little work to get them on task.  The upperclassmen are so well behaved.

I appreciate you stopping by today.  I hope you are having the kind of weather that you want today. Take care.


  1. Those pesky mosquitoes and so sorry about the sting. I always enjoy your photos. I hope tomorrow you will be able to take the day off. Hope you both are feeling well.

  2. A bee sting in the neck...I bet that hurt! Darn bugs anyway:(
