Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday's Wanderings........

This is the enlarged view of a small rose.  The bush has three blooms on it and the weather has been good not to wash them away. This is such a small bloom but the flowers on it are really great.

My gerbera daisy had put out three buds.  I bought it that way. They bloomed.  It has not put out any more buds the rest of the summer.  It has put out a lot of leaves.  I have brought it into the house now and it sits in the large dining room window.  The foliage reminds me of lettuce so I can't loose as it looks good.   I am just going to wait and see if it likes to be in the house. I am betting green house treatment is what it really likes to get those great blooms.

 We rearranged the living room the other day and the ceramic planter gained a new place to be.  It is in the bay window.  Our couch and loveseat were not overly expensive but they were not inexpensive.  For some reason the set has decided to give it up.  The springs seem to just quit working and the cushions are now have lost their shape.  It is like the foam inside the cushion reached a certain age and have stopped being foam. 

The love seat is not used as much and it exhibits the very same condition.  We moved things around and have the love seat as our main seating for now as its springs are not as bad as the couch.  That said,  they are not great.  One should not sit down on a piece of furniture and roll to the center.   Someday they will be replaced. I won't mention where we bought them but we will be more careful as to where to go this next time we buy.

I remember when the couches were made of a harsh covering and I think they were pressure packed with a straw like material as that stuff never quit holding its shape.  The covering of course faded and they looked very worn out even when it still kept its shape. The dyes of green, brown and maroon were common and you could see eventually where everyone sat as they looked like today's faded jeans.

I refused to take any sub job today as I have outdoor work to do.  I need to mow and pick up apples.  I need time away from teenagers and I declared Wednesday to be my own.  It is a sunny day now after the fog lifted and they promise it will warm up to 70,  I will still wear a parka to mow in as it will be chilly in the morning.  I heard the city spraying last night when I let the dog out so maybe the mosquitoes will be less.  Yesterday afternoon I was looking out the window and I could see the mosquitoes in the sunlight swarming as if they were knats.  I didn't go out except once to rush to the rose bush and then return.  The backyard seems less filled with the insects as there is less plants for the mosquitoes to land on and wait for their prey.

I thank you for stopping in today.  I hope you have a great Wednesday.


  1. There are only two ways we can move things around in our downsized home and the other day we moved back to the winter setting. The Bennie is feeling much better now. He is back next to the fire place.

  2. Being I just moved into my new house I have been thinking of many ideas for the house and yard. I can wait to sit back and plan out things for a garden. You have such lovely flowers in yours.

  3. Gerberas are funny, they like a certain conditions to bloom. I don't remember exactly. Just looed it up Feed them African Violet food, mist the leaves daily with water and provide lots of light! :)
