Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday's Findings..........

My garden angel is not so big, but if I stand close to it with the camera it looks like a major sculpture.  She has replaced the blue ball for the summer as I never did get the globe replaced.  Her small bowl like piece has had water in it all summer. We had a small rain this morning again.

I wanted to share with you the example of how the rain keeps filling in the fish tank. We had so much rain that it overflowed.  By accident I took a photo with the three remaining goldfish that have survived this summer.  They are swimming down at the far end and I didn't even notice them there until I started editing the photo. The water pump puts out that spiral pattern in the water.  If I needed to water things on the property I would be dipping buckets of water from the pond but I don't need to water anything.

The men with their machines returned a couple of days ago to revisit their trimming job.  I guess they didn't get the silver maple trimmed back enough for the city people so they got a crane bucket and really took off some major branches. 

I visited the cornfield yesterday to see how the corn was doing. It is ready to be picked but the humidity has been so high that they won't pick it.  It is better that the corn dries out on a stalk than in a grain bin with big fans and heat.  I shared on my Photo a Day blog some of the morning glories that I found growing in the field. 

I did see the larger morning glories out there that look like the ones I plant.  I did see one wild glory out there which was smaller and pink.  The majority of blooms that I saw in the field were of this variety. 

I visited another blog yesterday that was sharing zinnias and I was jealous of what I saw.  He apparently plants large areas of zinnias. He buys the bulk seeds and scatters them to have a very good looking flower bed.  They were so many of them, thick and green, and the rains didn't make them fall down from too much moisture. I had to tie up my zinnias in bunches around steel posts which is not a very natural look.

Another sky view of my apple tree next to the shed.  I lost a limb from the tree yesterday and the trimmers went up the alley and I had one that just hung out too much.  I have a neighbor at the far end of the alley that had a branch hanging completely across the alley and had been covered by apples.  I am sure he lost that as I see clearly now all the way down the alley.

I am subbing for a business teacher today doing work with sixth grade beginning typing and high school accounting. It will be a long day as I am not use to being on a schedule that is this restrictive.  It is Friday though and that is a good thing.  I hope everyone is doing well out there and thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. I really liked the fish pond and the sculpture. Neighbor coons and cats take their toll in my pond but some years I get lots of baby goldfish....:)

  2. Beautiful photos, Larry.
    I hope your first day back was not too bad and that you two will enjoy the weekend.

  3. I see AJ waving on your sidebar..he is getting so grown up! I hope you had a good day at school today, you have the weekend to rest! With all the rain it is no wonder you have skeeter problems...we call that the Minnesota Dance...or maybe now it should be called the Iowa Waltz or something:)

  4. That angel does look like a large statue!

  5. Love the water picture and the zinnia is spectacular!
