Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday's Things.........

A breakfast bonus happens when we go to get groceries. Our grocery stores seem to be having price wars on select items and this one gets to be included in it once in a while. It is strange how these are commercially made and thawed and baked.  You would think every batch would turn out the exact same way.  It just doesn't happen if they don't get baked at exactly the right amount of time. They seemed undercooked today.

The phlox lost most all of its blooms from all the different rains we have been receiving but there were just a few buds on them that had not opened yet.  So we have some token blooms from them one last time.

It was so humid last evening that by late evening storm clouds just showed up out of nowhere.  The unpredicted rain gave us wet sidewalks again and it helps keep all the open containers filled to the brim with rainwater.  I had to dump one bucket full of water this morning so it can be used for picking up apples.

The rains came in two parts so I was able to get Barney out for his walk and then hurry back before the next rain would hit.  Barney doesn't like thunder so it had calmed down a lot for us to go out there.  Half way out we did turn around as Barney could still see lightning. I finished mowing yesterday and we will probably have to start the process again by next Monday or Tuesday.

My hollyhocks have had a bad year.  I have a lot of new starts coming up all over where the coneflower garden is but nothing is putting up stalks for flowers.  Those are my red hollyhocks.  There should be a lot of them next year if they bloom on the second year.  The corner intersection hollyhocks are about the same way as they are all new young foliage and two short stalks of small flowers blooming. Next year the hollyhocks should take over the entire area.

I have a rose that is this same color as the geraniums that is in bloom right now.  The mosquitoes were so bad I couldn't hold the camera still to get a focused shot of the rose.  I will try again this morning and see if I can get it taken.  The rains last night didn't seem to damage it like they usually do. 

We went from a mosquito free world to the world of a dozen on your body at a time.  I still call it the mosquito dance as you busily brush off some on your legs and then your arms and then your back as they bite through the shirt.  I just come back inside when it gets to be that bad.  Maybe the city will spray soon to slow them down.

I am sharing a very blurred shot of the sunflowers today as I really like the color it has.  The sun is shining from behind it and it makes it have warm yellow glow. I mentioned in my Photo blog that the seeds have formed so quickly these past few weeks making the heads to now bend down from the new weight.

I am subbing tomorrow for the first time this school year.  I haven't been in the class room since May when I left there feeling so sick.  I am going to stay on a lighter load this year. I sense that teachers and the teachers' kids are stay pretty healthy this time of the year so there won't be much work anyway.  We are so hot and humid again today I won't work outside much except for this morning.  Everyone take care of yourselves.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My Phlox has slowed down and the
    dahlia has two new buds. Not a lot going on in my yard for now.
    Just to hot and dry. The corn fields here are brown, they let them stay for so long that way guess it takes a long time for it to dry out. They don't grow eating corn here. You said something about the wild morning glory's in the fields. I have been seeing lots this year growing in weeded places, big pretty white ones.
