Saturday, September 13, 2014


I had to tip the nail keg over onto its side as the thing was filling up with water.  I haven't taken it the rest of the way into the garden shed and I really didn't know that it was going to hold water. I will leave sideways for a while until it gets thoroughly dried inside.

 With a frost warning for last night looming I picked a few of the ripe ones to bring inside the house.  It would have been a real mess if we had a hard frost but we never made it any colder than 38 degrees F.

I did carry in all the geraniums last night and now when it warms up enough for me I will carry them all back outside again.

Among the different kinds of sunflowers that I had planted, this small one looks like it will be a deformed bloom.  I don't understand the curled leaf but it could have an insect inside of it. I will probably show the full bloom of another sunflower like this tomorrow on my Photo a Day blog.  The blooms look a lot like large daisies rather than sunflowers.

The weathered zinnia is a great thing to see.  I had forgotten how sculptural they become as they start to decline. I have orange everywhere with the tomato plants sitting right next to this one zinnia patch.

It is a cold Saturday with it starting to act like fall.  It slows down the outside activity when it is this cold.  I discovered that our timer on our thermostat to the furnace is not working anymore.  I like having it turn the temperatures down at night by about 5 degrees but the clock mechanism is not working.  The thing is older so I will need to replace it when the full heating season starts.  I hope we can quit running the furnace in the near future as it is too early to be paying for fuel in September.  We may make a trip to the lumber supply store to buy a new thermostat and then will hit a bookstore for awhile.  The interstate rivalry football game is on today so it should be pretty quiet at the bookstore at the mall.  I hope you all have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. It does seem too early to need the furnace. Karen has been very cool in KC. I love the tomatoes and the orange zinnia. Hope you two enjoy your outing. God bless your day.
