Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday's Finish.......

The pear fell from the tree.  It isn't that good looking but it is a pear.  I have more up there that are hanging on.  I am hoping they all don't seem to be this deformed and textured.  The melon I bought at the store and the tomatoes and cucumbers are from the garden.  I think I may be looking for a fruit picker as was suggested by a blogger friend.  It is a picker with a long handle that could help me get down the pears and all those apples.

Everywhere in blog land I hear of it being too dry or being too wet.  Now I am hearing too cold.  I went out after work to see what was happening on the vines.  The blue glory must have looked great but it was ready to shrivel up.  I have a red glory that I have never seen bloom but I have seen it shriveled.  The mosquitoes are horrid still so I didn't stay out for very long.  They are like Minnesota mosquitoes that like to be out and about and if it is raining the more fun that they are having.

It is cold.  I tried moving up the thermostat last night from its off postiton to see if the furnace still had a lighted pilot light.  It did have one, as most times the pilot goes out over the summer.  The furnace turned on immediately.  It was amazing how we warmed up within a half hour. 

There are a lot of buds still on the vine.  I hope that I get to see most of them open but I can see why they really don't want to with the harsh days we are having.

With the zinnias tied in bunches around poles they don't have much of a natural look.  I did notice that the flowers did move out into the open once I had regrouped them.  Stems with flowers did seek the light and they all spaced out again.

The wheel barrel in the background is three fourths full of water as it just keeps coming.  I think we had a 24 hour break from rain but when I put out the dogs this morning I was surprised by the shower.  Both guys decided to ignore it and went out anyway. They actually are getting use to it being in the rain.

I didn't think I would ever share that roof with anybody but here it is.  The shingles are 16 years old and they were called organic shingles.  They were an experiment. I didn't select them, my roofer did.  They found out that not only will they dissolve in the landfill, they also dissolve on your roof with snow is sitting on them.  The shingles are worse each year as the winters snow keep working on them.  I think the whole house gets a new roof in the spring.

Rebates were available, maybe refunds for the shingles, but the labor is on the homeowners bill.  When the guy who checked for hail damage was on the roof, he explained it all to me.  My roofer is a nice young man and he never would have done bad work.  He, I am sure, has no records to verify that he bought them.  The shingles on the steep pitches are doing fine.

This may be a reposting of the photo or just a second shot of the same thing.  I threw away a marvelous photo last night not knowing that I had not edited it.  Maybe I saved it to a wrong location.  I might fined.  I did trash the set of photos that I edited so I would have a buildup of photos in my iPhoto.  Anyway, you have to take my word on it that it was a great photo. 

Not working today and really don't want to get outside when it feels like it is going to snow.  I do hope it warms up as we did want to venture out this afternoon.  I didn't work today by choice as I want to space my work days if possible.  I could have used the money but I do wear out working too many days. I started out as a half day position yesterday and ended up being the librarian in the afternoon.

I have a three week sub job for a guy coming up next month. He is going into surgery and will need to be down for a long time.  I do hope I can pull that off.  The kids are going to have to be on their best behaviors and know that I am not going to take any messing around. I will have to take all the books of science home and read everything to be able to teach any of it with certain skill and knowledge.  I am not looking forward to doing this but I am willing to help the guy out as he takes teaching kids seriously and doesn't want them to fall behind.  Maybe I can call in sick once a week during the time. Well I need to go turn the furnace up more as it is cold in the house again.

Thanks to you all for stopping by today. 


  1. Hi Larry, You might also check on for the fruit picker; sometimes they offer free shipping.
    I hope you guys will have a nice weekend. So many of you are getting a lot of rain and cooler temps. Still dry and very hot here.

  2. You sure are getting the rain. We are cool...too cold for skeeters! Good to hear you are taking it easier this year. Three weeks of subbing will be a bad it isn't art! :)
