Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday's Choices......

A couple of dianthus blooms should make everyone happy.  They aren't geraniums, not sunflowers, not zinnia's and not sedum photos.  I was out taking a photo of a morning glory and the light was just perfect.  I was able to photograph these with great precision. It was filtered sunlight from directly above that gave me perfect conditions for lighting.

I think that the dianthus are on their third bloom as they lost all their petals during the last big wind and rain.  I have two more shots that I will share another day.

I appreciate the readers that put up with my whining over this bloom.  It did finally bloom while I was around. It had to have been blooming while I was working at school.  In this photo it actually has finished blooming and is in a shrinking stage ready to shrivel up completely.  The other set of glories look like they are done blooming for the season but this one by the blue gate is hanging on with a couple of more buds.

One last photo of white flowers to clear you palette of all the bright colors.  I have been taking individual shots of the geraniums now as they will probably have to come inside again for good.

We are running errands today and I will send off the framed old sports sweater this morning. The owner is coming to pick it up.  Spotty rains are about but we missed the large rainfalls so far.  I hope all is well with my fellow bloggers.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You really did have perfect light for those flowers. I too am bringing in the geraniums. Some of my plants got very big. I need to figure out where they will fit.

  2. Wishing you two a very nice Saturday. I love dianthus. You captured some incredible pics. I planted some on either side of our front door earlier this year.

  3. That pink morning glory is beautiful! I am glad to hear you feel better:)
