Friday, September 26, 2014

Sunshine on Friday......

The garden angel in my back yard keeps a pleasant smile on her face at all times.  She now knows that she gets to go to the warm basement when the snow starts to fall.  I didn't use to bring her in over the winter but it is best to make her last a long time.

 We still have plenty of leaves on the trees and are dropping just a few each day.  They will start dropping faster in a couple of weeks.   You can see apples are still on the tree and the river birch is starting to yellow.  The cupola has a missing board on it that I need to replace.  I would hope I get it done before winter.  The morning glories that are the trellis below the birdhouse, are almost spent.  Leaves are failing and not to many buds look viable anymore. It was so fun to have wrens raising young ones in that birdhouse this year.

I have been picking up more apples and as you can see that a lot of them have some scale on them.  It doesn't hurt the inside fruit.  It just makes it a less appealing to see.  The two pears in the back are the same way with rough peelings on them. 

The dahlia keeps its bloom for a long time.  I really like this one and will really work at getting it dug before it gets stuck in frozen ground.  I guess the first frost that destroys the greens would be a good time to lift it from the ground.

I had one iris that I had not put in the ground and I finally got the job done yesterday.  I breathed a sigh of relief for it as I am sure it was needing to be in the soil and start pulling moisture from the ground.  I hope to see green sprouts on it before the frost. 

It is a day off from school today so I have lots of little jobs to get done today.  I like to get things done that I have put off but I will probably hit the lawn first to take out a little grass.  I am feeling good enough to do a lot of work but I think I will do a little of each.  Playing is a good thing after being down with a cold seems the best idea. It is good to feel normal again.  I have a few aches and pains from playing referee with the middle schoolers yesterday.  I was dreading the two classes but the kids behaved very well.  I had to do the goal sign with my arms most of the time as they played a soccer-like game.  I decided I should do a few jumping jacks each day to keep some muscles loose.  Referees are like gods I now know as they all turn to see what my decision is about a kick,  Their faces are all so concerned as if my decision was going to effect their entire future of life.  They were funny.

Our weather is going to be great today.  I am seeing neighbors coming and going, doing things outside with the day looking so good.  It will rain again but not today anyway.  I hope all of you are well out there.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Very enjoyable post. The angel is very pretty. I love that the wrens used your house this year. That's cute about the kids looking at you to see the call....hard to remember back to the days of a referee's call being all you had to worry about!!! Glad you are feeling better. The apples and pears look good to me.

  2. What a beautiful garden angel Larry. Yes, she will last many more years if kept out of the Winter freezes.
    Those apples and pears look delicious, I fried apples yesterday, but pears fried in butter are just as tasty.
    Enjoy your weekend !

  3. Great day for working outside today here too.
