Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Things for Tuesday.......

The William Baffin rose was all tied up to the side of the shed a month ago getting all its stalks in order.  It now has thanked me for taking care of it by giving me one more bloom.  I have all the dead wood removed and it is ready now to return next year and put out a lot of blooms.  The volunteer new start of this rose was moved to a different location about a month ago and it is looking like it will root in nicely.

One sunflower that fell to the ground a week ago snapped itself off from its roots.  I have it in water next to the shed and it is going to act like a cut flower.  It will be a small bloom but it will bloom. 

I spent a lot of time yesterday morning putting in metal stakes and jute to make the sunflowers right again.  They were in better shape that I thought they would be with our Sunday night strong winds.  I have all of them now tied up and staked so they are close to standing up straight.  I know they lean as the get mature as the seeds weigh heavy as it matures.  The heads lean down under the weight.

No flowers opened on the morning glories yesterday after the bad storm.  I bet today there will be some of them blooming as they normally don't skip a day with flowers.

Instead of facing the apple problem that I have, I worked on cutting up the large fallen branches from the silver maple tree.  My neighbor thinks the city will come and pick up the storm debris.  I hope she is trunks laying there trimmed off with loose branches in piles next to them.

The apples really are not a problem but there are so many and they do have to be picked up in a couple of days before the ants start to devour them.

I have found on the internet that if I were to purchase a sister variety to this plant that it would stay standing all year.  They apparently created a new kind that won't fall down.  I have two colors of this plant and they both are showing signs of being in full bloom with in the next few weeks.

The last photo is a shot of one of our cats that visits my wife's dry cat food bowl on the porch.  He is a typical Maine Coon cat as he rests before he eats and rests again after he eats.  He is not very tame but he is not terrified when he sees us.

This cat is a duplicate of my mom and dad's cat Tiger they had for a long time.  When my mom and then my brother died, a friend of my brother asked for Tiger.  At the time it would have been impossible to bring Tiger home with us even though I still regret it.  He was such good company for my dad when he was sick and again when my mom was sick.  They are such a great cat that just keeps themselves busy all day getting into things and then taking a good long nap. All cats talk to people but this one has a deeper expressive voice.

I am off having the car muffler system fixed today.  I am sure they will want to replace the whole system. I will just grit my teeth and let them do it.  The car is old enough that it will be needing to be fixed all at once or one part at a time for a long time.  Thank you for stopping by today and everyone take care.  Have a good Tuesday.


  1. What is the name of the plant you can buy the sister plant for. I don't think I no this plant, unless it could be a Sedum.
    Hope all works out with the car.

  2. I thought this might be a sedum ??
    I love the color of your rose.
    The cat looks like our Trixie.
    Hope the car repair went well.

  3. Yes it is one of my sedums. I was have a brain freeze and didn't name it because I couldn't pull the name. I saw either an advertisement on the net about the sister variety to this one or another blogger told about it but there is a newer variety that doesn't fall down at the end of the season.

  4. There is a newer variety..called Autumn Joy. There is another one called Abbeydore Sedum that is a perfect height it has a light purple flower. On your old Sedums pinch them back in the spring when they get about four inches tall and then again when they get to about six inches and they will bush out more instead of flopping over at the center of the plant. The same thing works for Mums that get too tall:)
