Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday, Monday.............

A lawn ornament with a great smile on his face sat among the ditch lilies.  He was looking out from under the leaves but they are all in decline now as summer also is in decline. He sits out in the open now looking a little out of place on the patio.  I need to move him into another area so he isn't seeming so out of place. I didn't get a frog in my fish pond this year as I usually do.  It is unusual that they would be in town anyway  but I use to have them. Maybe the neighbor's pond got all the frogs this year.

I was surprised to see the other day an red admiral butterfly eating away at the sunflower.  I guess they are so large and so different from other flowers that I would not of expected them to have nectar.  I couldn't get a clear photo of the butterfly but you can see him up there hanging on to the inside of the flower.

I have not been out yet this morning but the sunflowers are sort of still standing from what I could see.  I will go out and stake all of the as our hard winds last night really gave them a struggle.  We had a 4 inch rain last evening with threats of up to 80 mile an hour wind.  I don't thing we were with that strong of wind but it was strong.  I  had a large piece of branch fall from one of my silver maple tree during the storm.  It was good size and neighbors were calling to ask if we had seen it.  I did see it last night and it is about the same size as the branch the tree trimmers took off last week.

The heavy rains removed most of my blooms from the  hardy geraniums.  They will come back but it was a heavy hard rain that flattened everything.  I have a lot of dead branches from the trees that were loosened and caused to fall to the yard that I will pick up this morning once it dries out a little more.

 I finish off today with a shot of my Stella o'Dora that is reviving and blooming again.  I have yet to move some of this to another location but there is still a lot of time. 

As we were starting the car to go to Sunday school yesterday the exhaust system fell from the motor causing the car to run really loud as if it had engine failure.  I was glad it wasn't the engine but seeing the exhaust system laying on the ground is not a great sight.  We have only one car so we stayed home and called in "stranded."  I will spend some time today getting the exhaust supported up under the car so I can drive it to the muffler place in a neighboring town. I hope they are not too scheduled in tomorrow and we can get it repair immediately.  I was just thinking recently that we should pick up an old junk runabout car to have for emergencies but I did not get that done soon enough.  The neighbor lady will help us out by lending or driving over to pick me up once I drop off the car.

We don't have anything big planned for today and we of course won't be going anywhere.  My wife is so much better as she had another smooth night of sleeping.  Her coughing is at a minimal but one can still tell she had been under the siege of a bad cold.  It is Labor Day but I am hopping it is not the dropping off point of losing all of summer.  I am hoping that we have some really good weather for a few more weeks.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. The flowers here are sure slowing down. Hate car trouble, hope you can get it fixed soon. Glad your wife is feeling so much better.
    We have cooled off but need more rain.

  2. That is quite the photo of the butterfly in the sunflower. There's more food out there than we realize.

  3. Happy to read that your wife is better and able to rest.
    That is such a happy frog. I love your pretty blooms.
    So sorry about your car trouble. Seems like everything always happens on a holiday weekend.
    I was able to purchase many good books at the thrift store today for winter reading. Have a good evening.

  4. I like the frog. I would mind having something like that in my garden when I can start focusing on other things after I get moved into my new house. I am glad your wife is feeling better.

  5. Good to hear that Della is feeling better! :)
