Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday's Things........

Things are starting to change in the flower garden.  You can age the flowers by the weathering of the petals and the centers of the coneflowers.  The youngest coneflowerw in the photo have great centers but the petals have been beaten up with all of the rain. The plant is actually laying part way down on the ground as the ground is too wet for the plant to stay vertical.

I have been watching this container with hosta for over a month.  Today they had it for half price.  I should have bought two of them but one things of that after you drive away from it.

 I believe it is called "snow and ice" and as you can see it was a part of a collection of hosta.  The Wally Mart really wasn't selling any other kinds of the collection so I don't quite understand that special title.  I will get it in the ground immediately so it can be rooted in for winter.

It reminds me of another one that I bought early in the spring but it is not the same hosta.  I like to mix the lighter ones in with my solid green hostas.

The neighboring tree that puts out bean pods and sends its seed to my yard each year.  I really like the leaf structure  as it looks fernlike and it is really a nice look.  What I don't like about it is the mess under the tree each year that form from the falling bean pods. The neighbor's son in law mows them so the seeds do go flying into my property.  I find myself cutting them out each spring or fall.  Once pulled or cut  I don't have problems with them returning. 

I am in the art room today at school being a sub for the art teacher.  It was my room a few years ago and it does seem strange to be a visitor in that room.  We are promised strong storms and lots of rain the next couple of days.  I don't plan on building an ark just yet but if it continues I may buy a boat.   I hope all of you are doing alright out there and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the hosta.
    I hope your weather won't be too severe. Take care.

  2. Your weather sounds like you live in the tropical rain forest, and we live in the dry desert. lol

  3. With our home in the woods hostas have taken a great place along with the wildflowers. They are a wonderful plants...:)
