Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wet Wednesday.......

The best apples are still on the tree.  I will pick another bucket full today sometime from off of the ground.  It will be muddy out there but I think our rains are finally over with for now.  I saw the sun for 10 minutes this morning but maybe by noon it will clear.

Everything is so green right now unlike last year at this time when we had desert like conditions. We had another couple of inches of rain.  When the cold hits we will see things change a lot faster making it look more like fall.  As I look out the dining room window I see leaves falling from trees from the rain I am assuming.

I worked a half day yesterday in the morning and it rained all afternoon so I am low on new photos.  It is brightening up out there so maybe I can get out later and see what is out there.  I noticed the cornfield across the street completely changed color in two days, right after I had taken some shots of it.  It is all fired from top to bottom now.

I was in my old art room yesterday and it went well.  I know most of the kids now having subbed with them all for the past few years.  It was a good morning and it was good to catch up on some of their lives.  A teenager is constantly changing and the things they do keep changing also.  More older kids are working after school a lot of times for necessity to help with the bills at home. Kids are out for sports and some are looking at getting school over with being it is their senior year.

I don't have plans for today so I don't know what I will be getting into today.  I have inside jobs to do and may make it outside this afternoon.  I see as I finish the writing of this blog that it is looking more like a sun shinning day. It is Wednesday already so the week seems to be going quickly.  I hope all are well out there.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Nice photos today, Larry. I remember how dry you were last year at this time.
    That's nice that you were in your old art class and that you know many of the students. When I was pianist for the children's choir at church during college years, I got to know the kids individually. As they grew and had children of their own, it was fun to be updated.
    Larry is home from CA and is coming to lunch today. We have a mix of sun/clouds.
    Enjoy your day.

  2. We have not been to the end of the yard to see how the apples on our 2 trees are progressing. This week was 2 full days of rain, today it's in the high 80s and then more rain is a-coming.

  3. Hi Larry, Today we were at our local Ace Hardware store. I saw a fruit picker (pole that reaches about 10 ft.) I had not seen one before and told John I would tell you about it. It was $39.
