Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday's Things...........

"Life is what happens when you try to make plans."  I know there are a few people who claim this quote so I won't credit it to anyone. It does get to be complicated and I have thrown out most planning in my life.  It works better that way.  I am doing ok but my time it takes to do things just doesn't line up with my plans.

Yes, it is another butterfly.  This one was eating at the zinnias all day so I am assuming he will join the migrating group somewhere.  He should be charged up with lots of energy the way he intently consumed nectar yesterday.  A second monarch showed up around noon time so if I had my camera I could have shown two butterflies eating at the same time.

The zinnias are going bad quickly but there are enough late bloomers to make up for butterfly food.  The phlox are almost gone and those flowers don't seem to put out as much nectar as the zinnia does. 

I am being a sub for high school math today.  It is the upper level math classes and I am giving quizzes and tests all day.  It is a good assignment so far.  Our weather is warming up again today but there is a coolness to the air with a slight breeze from the east.  I think some in Iowa are getting small amounts of rain. It is the time of the year when you need to run the air condition to cool off the house and then the furnace wants to turn on in the morning to take the chill off of the house.  It is definitely fall around here.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Everyone take good care of yourselves.


  1. I love the butterfly/zinnia shot but this morning glory shot is the sharpest/clearest photo I've ever seen. Wow! So pretty.

    Lots of early a.m. fog but now the sun is out and it is quite warm.

    You two have a good evening.

  2. Your photo makes the morning glory look so big. I feel as tired as my flowers right now.
    Some rain would perk me up I think and the flowers.

  3. I love blue flowers and this morning glory is just gorgeous...:)

  4. I agree the Morning Glory is stunning! Fall is in the air here too:)
