Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Middle of the Week..............

The actual rose is smaller than this.  It is a great bloomer and I would think this is the last to come off of this bush.  I have one more bud on another rose that may get bloomed out before the frost.  I have to keep in mind to trim them back for winter weather.  I try to cover them with leaves to help with the survival process.

My large pot of oxalis have done well this summer.  I am curious to see what happens when I bring it in for the winter.  I am hoping I can keep them moisture level even enough that it keeps on blooming.  It is easy for oxalis to dry out quickly and everything collapses.  The bulbs are still alive but they have to regrow all new stems again. 

i have another dianthus photo to share.  I use to have these kind of plants carry over from year to year. I imagine that the dry years affect how they carry over to the spring.

We have just started the fall season but the plants already know that.  The dahlia has one more bud on it and I am not certain that I will see it bloom. 

I am subbing again today but in the middle schools social studies room. I am supervising group work all day today and fortunately today is a shortened day.  Informal work is harder to direct than a classic classroom setting.  I am sure that common core principles admire the process but everybody talking about something seems less productive to me.

Thank you for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure how small group of kids on a project work you said they all are talking at once:(
