Friday, October 31, 2014

Freezing Fall..........

Some of the corn in our neighborhood has been picked.  When I left for school yesterday I could hear the  noise of the combine and thought maybe the field would be picked.  When I came home I realized that the neighbors to our field on the hill were the ones who picked.  Soy beans and corn are being harvested as fast as they are able to in Iowa but the wet ground is the problem  We have had so much rain all month that the ground is just not completely dried.

The area in the photo in the far field, next to the trees on the left, shows they got into mud trouble while they were picking.  Along highway 141 you can see them partially picking beans or corn where the ground is dry enough for them to pick.  Any wet section is still not harvested.  The field in the foreground is only 13 acres so I am sure the farmer and his boys will put it off to do last, even though it was one of the first fields to be planted in the spring.  They farm a 1000 acres or more so the big fields are being picked first.

 I brought in the last of the flowers last night as we had freezing temperatures.  Tonight we are going to have a hard freeze of 26 degrees F or colder.  That will stop growth of things for sure.

This planter of petunias is down to the small blue ones and the yellow flowers.  I brought it in just because I wanted it to have a few more days of life.  I figure the furnace will take them out soon enough.

I had mentioned earlier in a blog that my red maple turned red on the east side of it and the rest turned almost pink.  Those leaves never did turn red as they are now on the ground.  This is as red as they became.  I have some pale ones too I am sure I will share another day.  I now need to get out and mow and mulch up all those leaves.  The unemployed out there who live near me have made great attempts to get there's up. My piles look quite festive. They will be great for Halloweeners to walk through tonight.  Hey this is the last day of October.  Where did that month go???

I don't have school today so we are going to be shopping and book store visiting today.  It still is not warm out there so I won't work outside today.

I have three mats to cut for my wife's artwork so we can get them to the customers.  My wife sold a painting of a red fox that will be going across the seas to the UK.  One goes to Illinois and the last one I will be framing and it goes up the street about three blocks.

It will be nice to have the day off and have the weekend to follow.  I hope everyone is able to stay warm as it seems the big cold is coming through the country.  I wish you all well today and thanks for coming by to see my post.


  1. Congrats to your wife on selling her artwork. She is so very talented. I enjoy seeing your fall yard photos. Even GA is expecting cold temps this weekend. Hope you two will enjoy your outing and the bookstore today. Have a nice, relaxing weekend.

  2. Same challenge for farmers here. Mostly too wet to harvest. A day of two or sun and they're out there as fast as they can getting the corn and beans off - and leaving mud all over the roads.
