Thursday, October 30, 2014


I still have not drained the pond.  It isn't a high priority at this point of time.  I have time to get those two fish out of there as they don't mind freezing weather.

The Austrian pine is getting ready for winter with its new frons matured to become a good part of the tree.  It isn't a large growth but it does make the whole tree larger as it adds new length each year.

I took this shot a few days ago and this is what I don't like to see.  It looks cold and shields us from seeing the sun. I raced out after school and got my siding all primed.  I am hoping today after school to get the final color coat or coats onto the siding project.  It will be 60's today, low 60's, but I can get paint to dry at that temperature.  I see I am running out of warm weather for the next week or so.  I can mow leaves in the cold and I am sure I will just do that.  I have two more days of subbing to do next week and then I am going to take a few days off.  Maybe a lot of days off in order to get some more done to the house.

I am giving tests today which makes it an easy day.  Kids get serious when they have to answer for what they have learned, or not have learned.  No school Friday so this Thursday is my Friday.  TGIT is what I get to say.  Thanks for stopping by today.  

Check out my Photo a Day blog to read about my Jello story. 


  1. The rosemary is really a bush and I brought it shaped like this at home depot. They have them this time of the year, some are dressed like Christmas trees.

  2. Hope you get the painting done while the temps are mild. Even GA is expecting cold temps this weekend. Enjoy your Friday off and you two enjoy the weekend.
