Friday, October 17, 2014


 I certainly don't need any more plants. I saw this at the store and it did need me to take care of it.  I like buying these small plants and watch them grow.  I may go ahead and put it into a bigger pot as it is in a paper cup like pot and it would like to increase in size roots and all.  I haven't had a spider plant for quite a few years.

Another nice shot of the birch tree.  They are such a beautiful tree from the white bark, dark brown smaller branches and vivid yellow and green leaves.

Another day in the science room and it is now Friday.  I am glad that it is here.  It is cooler today than the weather people were expecting.  I am glad it is not colder and that it just feels like fall. Thanks for stopping by my posting today. 


  1. Looks like we are moving right alone in to fall. The hail storm broke my dahlia down, no more flowers. But the short stalk is putting out more leavers.This thing really wants to live. I am waiting for first light frost to dig it up for winter.
    Have a happy week-end.

  2. Love the shot of the tree. Glad you found another plant that needed you. I am still "thinking" about buying a violet!
