Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday's Short Blog...........

A bright red leaf against my green grass.  It has to be a neighbor's leaf as I don't have red maples on that side of the house.

Another rose hip on the old fashion plant. There were very few on the roses this year. I plant to trim them all down this year and let them get a fresh start next spring.

It is a warm looking day outside but really isn't that warm.  I worked on the paint job of the south side of our house this morning while wearing three layers of shirts. I am scraping off old paint and putting a coat of white primer on it. I found also that I have to reattach a lot of the siding that is over 100 years old, putting it back up against the house.  The original boards were attached with the square nail and they have rusted and reduced in size.  Nailing the siding has made the whole side of the house look better. 

We are off on an errand this afternoon taking our neighbor lady to Boone for a time of eating and shopping at the Walmart.  I am late blogging today but I did think I needed to get some work done first. I hope all is well with everyone.   Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. With an old house, there's always something to do.

  2. Glad you were able to get some work done early and I hope you both and the neighbor will enjoy your outing. It is just about perfect weather here today.

  3. Good to hear your siding project is coming along before the snow flies! Hope you have a great weekend:)

  4. You said the farmer said the morning glory's in his corn field was from people planting them in their yards. Guess what we have morning glory's coming up all over the back yard, never had this happen before one bloomed and it was blue. So he maybe right. My vines have lots of seeds on them. The wind and birds must be spreading them.
