Friday, October 3, 2014

Garbage Day Friday..........

The red glories put out lots of flowers in the morning during the foggy mist of the day. The blue glories waited until the afternoon to bloom. We are cold today starting off in the 40's.  We also are having strong winds that are moving things around on the deck and side steps.  It is about time to move things into the basement.

There were a few fields that had been picked this week but we are wet again from sprinkles.  I saw beans being harvested and a cornfield had been partially picked along the highway to  Perry.  The wind may dry things out but it does feel like a damp wind at this point. I am thinking the farmers are getting in a little bit of a panic but it looks like we will have cool dry weather for a week. 

I hope this weather will slow the grass down as I don't really want to get out there to mow it.  I left one patch the last time I mowed and it really is grown tall now. The yellow leaves seem to be the first to come down.  I did see a very large leaf last night while walking Barney.  It comes from the yard west of me and they seem to blow down the hill onto my yard every year.

I refused to go to work today as I have things to do and a visitation to travel to this afternoon.  I will be starting my three week stretch of work to sub for a science teacher who is having his knee replaced. That starts Monday. The doctor says he should be down 5 weeks but he says he will be back in 3 weeks.  I am not making any plans until I know he can come back to work.

I finished up on the drain system that ran underneath the kitchen.  I have seen enough of that crawl space for the rest of my lifetime.  Everything works like a normal system now with gravity pulling the water down the drain with great speed and accuracy.  Old houses can get to be too much after while as there are water heaters and furnaces that do stand in line for attention.  I can now put in a new garbage disposal as the sink drain is up to code to handle it.

Our visitation is in southern Iowa and we have been to that funeral home many times before now.  Shellie is actually my youngest cousin and she passed away at the age of 52.  We will probably see a some of long lost cousins while there of those who are able to come.  My two brothers won't come back for the funeral and I am assuming a lot of the older cousins from out of state will not be there. We won't return for the funeral on Saturday as we should be able to see Shellie's dad and her brother tonight and they are the  two that I want to see.

When we get to be dry for a few days in a row I will be heading back outside and get some work done. Homecoming activities that were outside yesterday were cancelled but tonight's game will go on even if there are snow flurries.  I hope everyone is adjusting to the fall weather here in the United States.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your flowers are wonderful !
    I love these colors in the garden !
    Have a nice weekend :)

  2. Our house isn't all that old -- about forty years -- but it keeps my husband busy. There's always something...

  3. You are a plumber! Good thing you got that drain fixed! My sympathy in the loss of your cousin...funerals and weddings seems like that is when you see the most relatives.
    Three weeks of subbing that will tire you out. Science...that should be interesting! :)
